

Newsletter                             Issue 11/2017


EVN telescopes zoom in on gravitational wave detection

The European VLBI Network (EVN) was involved in the recent observing campaign that followed the LIGO-Virgo detection of gravitational waves produced by colliding neutron stars. While the radio emissions were too faint to be detected in this observing campaign, the observations are part of ongoing efforts to localize the source of transient radio emission in the sky as it becomes brighter.

It is expected that this was the first of many observations of gravitational wave sources, and as the EVN continues to increase its sensitivity with higher observing bandwidth and new dishes added to the network, a whole new area of study for the EVN will open up. Read more.

EVN Directors Meeting

The members EVN Consortium Board of Directors (CBD) and partners met in Onsala/Gothenburg, Sweden, 14-15 November 2017. The CBD meets twice a year to discuss the overall policy of the EVN. Particular items on the agenda this time were the media capacity needed to reach 2 Gbps as the default recording rate for continuum observations, and the EVN Symposium 2018 (8-11 Oct 2018 in Granada, Spain).

From 1 January, 2018, the EVN Proposal Committee chair will be Antonis Polatidis (ASTRON) replacing Michael Lindqvist (Onsala Space Observatory). This was the last CBD meeting for Huib van Langevelde as the JIVE Director (2007-2017) and he was thanked for his service. Read more.

Image left: EVN CBD © Paula Rosell (OSO), right: Huib van Langevelde and John Conway © Michael Lindqvist (OSO)

Prof Peter Gallagher winner of the Best International Engagement award

I-LOFAR led by Prof Peter Gallagher, Trinity College Dublin received the Best International Engagement Award of the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI).

The I-LOFAR (International Low Frequency Array) telescope is a network of radio telescopes that stretches across nearly 2,000 km across Europe, making it the largest low frequency radio telescope in the world. Opening new frontiers in astrophysics, I-LOFAR also acts as an “ICT telescope”, producing vast quantities of data. Read more.

Image © SFI

SKAO and NRAO up to develop next-generation astronomy data reduction software

On November 9th, 2017, on the occasion of the 25th meeting of the SKA Board of Directors, the SKA Organisation and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), the US National Science Foundation facility operating telescopes in the United States and South America, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the design and development of new data models to address the data processing requirements of their next-generation telescopes. Read more

Image Prof. P. Diamond (SKA) and Dr. T. Beasley (NRAO) signing MoU

MeerKAT construction recognised by industry at 2017 Logistics Achiever Awards

The MeerKAT radio telescope, currently being built by the Square Kilometre Array South Africa (SKA SA) was recognised by the construction industry when it was presented with a Special Platinum Award at the 2017 Logistics Achiever Awards. The MeerKAT construction has as much as 80% local supplier and manufacturing component content. MeerKAT is a 64-antenna array radio telescope under construction in the Karoo in South Africa and is a precursor instrument to the Square Kilometre Array. Read more

Image: Esterhuyse and L. Raynard (midlle) receiving the Special Platinum Award Copyright © SKA South Africa

Applications for ASTRON/JIVE summer student programme 2018 opens in December 

The Summer Research Programme at ASTRON and JIVE enables astronomy students (graduate or advanced under-graduate) to spend the summer at the institute in Dwingeloo, the Netherlands, while conducting astronomical research under the supervision of ASTRON and JIVE staff members. The research grants will provide successful candidates with accommodation in the locality of the institute, a modest stipend for up to three months, and full travel reimbursement.

More information about recent summer student programmes can be found here.

Registration opens on 1st December 2017. Applications for the programme should be sent via the registration form on the ASTRON website. Deadline: 1 February 2018.





RadioNet Networking Activities concentrate among others on the dissemination of the scientific and technical results as well as on the training of the users of present and future RadioNet infrastructures. All of the supported events must focus on the RadioNet infrastructures or on the RadioNet technical developments. Additionally, RadioNet strengthens the partner's know-how by supporting  scientific and technical staff exchange. RadioNet issues every six months calls for support to be responded by:

• organisers of scientific events

• organisers of technical events

• organisers of training events

• employees from RadioNet beneficiaries, industry or other organisations

The next calls will be issued on January 1, 2018 with the submission deadline of one month. Stay tuned.

More information about the procedure and eligibility.



Update on UK Government Horizon 2020 Underwrite Guarantee

Following the recent notice for British applicants on the European Commission’s Participant Portal, the UK Government has updated their Q&A document with some clarifications (UKRO FAQ document).

“UK applicants still have the same rights and obligations as all other EU member states until the UK leaves the EU. The Commission statement simply refers to the existing terms and conditions of the EU research and innovation framework programme agreements. Termination of projects is not automatic or obligatory. Art. 50.3 of the MGA, which pre-dates the UK’s decision to leave the EU, contains a number of possible circumstances under which the Commission would have grounds to directly terminate a project or the participation of a beneficiary. These include the beneficiary being declared bankrupt, the research no longer being relevant and other circumstances, which call into question the decision to award the grant. Even if UK partners cannot continue to receive funding from the EC because the UK has become a third country, the UK Government has guaranteed funding for successful bids submitted by UK participants before departure, including those that are successful afterwards. Third country participation is routine in Horizon 2020 [...].”


European Forum for Electronic Components and Systems - EFECS 2017

EFECS is the international forum with a focus on ‘Our Digital Future’ along the Electronic Components and Systems value chain in Europe. The organisers of this event, AENEAS, ARTEMIS-IA, EPoSS, ECSEL Joint Undertaking and the European Commission joined forces to bring all stakeholders together on 5-7 December 2017 in Brussels and focus on this years’ theme: ‘Our Digital Future’. Registration & More


The 3rd International Conference on Computing Technology and Information Management - ICCTIM2017

The ICCTIM conference will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece on December 8-10, 2017. It’s a 3 day event, with presentations delivered by researchers from the international community, including presentations from keynote speakers and state-of-the-art lectures covering a wide range of topics: Information & data management, E-Technology, Image Processing, Distributed and parallel applications, Real-Time systems among others. More


Explore Horizon 2020 participation statistics in a new interactive dashboard

The Horizon 2020 Dashboard on the Participant Portal has been recently launched. This novel view on Horizon 2020 implementation data provides powerful analytical functions, with new opportunities for programme reporting, impact analysis, preparing feedback to policy making and decision making on future priorities. These views are accessible directly via the Participant Portal home page and via the new portal page Projects & Results



supported by RadioNet

• ALMA Data Processing workshop in Lisbon on December 5, 2017

• Atacama Large Aperture Submm/mm Telescope (AtLAST) in Garching on January 17, 2018

• The big impact of a big dish: Science with the Effelsberg 100-m Telescope in Bonn on February 20, 2018

• Submm Single-dish Data Reduction and Array Combination Techniques in Garching on March 15, 2018

• RadioNet Board and Advisory Group f2f in Berlin on March 20, 2018

• IAU Symposium 342: Perseus in Sicily on May 14, 2018

More RadioNet supported and related events here.



• SKA Africa - senior software engineer

• SRON - software engineer, instrument scientist

• OBSPARIS - PostDoctoral position

• ESO - Postdoc, engineer

• ASTRON - Postdoc, software engineer

Additional vacancies for scientists and engineers at EUMETSAT



RadioNet Management
Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie
Auf dem Hügel 69  //  DE 53121 Bonn

Subscription (Unsubscription) send e-mail: RadioNet@mpifr.de 

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RadioNet has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730562, and contribution from the partner organisations