ERC Consolidator Grants: €630 million from the EU to 329 top researchers
The ERC has announced on 28 November 2017 the awarding of the Consolidator Grants that go to 329 top researchers across Europe. With a total of 2538 submitted proposal, the success rate was of 13%. The majority of the winners came from the research institutes located in United Kingdom (60), followed by the researchers from German (56) and French (38) institutes. The list of selected researchers and more information is given here.
European Research Infrastructures (incl. e-Infrastructures) Information day
RICH, the network of National Contact Points for Research Infrastructures, in cooperation with the European Commission's Research and Innovation Directorate-General, organized the Information Day on Thursday 30 November 2017 in Brussels. The aim of the Research Infrastructure Information day was to inform potential participants in the new Work Programme 2018-2010 and to offer some opportunities for exchange and networking. Streaming
Brexit negotiations go to second phase
A sufficient progress has been achieved in each of the three priority areas of citizens' rights, the dialogue on Ireland / Northern Ireland, and the financial settlement: the life choices made by EU citizens living in the United Kingdom will be protected; the rights of EU citizens living in the UK and UK citizens in the EU27 will remain the same after the UK has left the EU; any administrative procedures will be cheap and simple for EU citizens in the UK. As regards the financial settlement, the UK has agreed that commitments taken by the EU28 will be honoured by the EU28, including the UK. With regard to the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland, the UK acknowledges the unique situation on the island of Ireland and has made significant commitments to avoid a hard border.
Interim Evaluation of Horizon2020 - towards FP9
On December 1 2017, the Council of the European Union adopted the conclusions to the Interim Evaluation of Horizon2020. These conclusions furthermore give a view towards FP9. Cooperation, excellence, impact and openness are the fundamental principles of FP9, and the EU added value is the major driver for the design and implementation of the next FP. A three-pillar-structure programme has increased the impact, however better transfer of outputs into innovation processes, products and services should be enabled by the ninth FP. Read more
"Putting the EOSC vision into practice": Sharing & preserving research data across disciplines and borders.
From 22 to 25 January 2018, Porto (Portugal) will host the EUDAT Conference to bring together data infrastructure users and providers and policy makers from across Europe. Community decision-makers and data managers, scientists and research communities, policy-makers, e-Infrastructure projects, research infrastructures and ESFRI projects are welcome to contribute.