Launch of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)
The launch event on November 23, 2018 in Vienna marked the conclusion of a long process of consultation and reflection with stakeholders and was a symbolic start for the EOSC. The Vienna Declaration on the EOSC Governance Structure summarizes the consultation process by highlighting the most important steps and by reminding the commitments agreed upon by the Member States in the format of various policy documents.
The newly appointed representatives of both, Governance Board and Executive Board presented the Governance Structure of the EOSC. Once up and running, the EOSC will offer Europe's 1.7 million researchers and 70 million science and technology professionals a platform to store, share and re-use their data across disciplines and borders.
Research and Innovation performance and Horizon 2020 country participation
The European Semester, the Commission's yearly cycle of economic policy coordination, supports Member States' structural reforms in different policy areas to promote jobs, growth and investment.
Research and innovation play a key role in this context. That is why the Commission gives recommendations to the Member States and closely works with them to increase the performance of their national research and innovation systems. More