

Issue 11/2018

14th European VLBI Network (EVN) Symposium and Users Meeting

14th EVN Symposium and Users Meeting

The 14th European VLBI Network (EVN) Symposium and Users Meeting was hosted by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía-CSIC in Granada/ES on October 8-11, 2018. There were 171 registered participants from 25 countries, with more than 80 oral presentations that were distributed in 11 sessions, of which four of them had to be organized in parallel sessions (AGN/Stellar Evolution) for the first time in an EVN Symposium. Almost 80 posters were also presented during the Symposium.

This meeting has a relevant impact on the RadioNet community, because the EVN is one of the RadioNet infrastructures. The EVN Symposium is the main forum for the discussion of the latest EVN results (transient sources, multi-messenger science and synergies with observations at other spectral bands) and technical and technological developments.

This event was supported in the frame of the RadioNet scientific events.


10th IRAM millimeter interferometry school

10th IRAM millimetre interferometry school

The 10th IRAM school took place in Grenoble/FR October 1-5, 2018 and attracted 75 students, post-docs and scientists who wanted to acquire a good knowledge of interferometry at millimetre wavelength and the relevant data reduction techniques. The program of the 10th school included lectures on fundamentals of millimetre interferometry, atmospheric phase correction, data calibration and imaging techniques. The school included also practical tutorials on interferometric data reduction. The school was organised in the frame of the RadioNet training events.

The first IRAM school was organised in 1998, and since then several hundreds of students and scientists have been formed. With the advent of major instruments like NOEMA and ALMA, it is crucial to continue this training effort to ensure that young scientists become familiar with the observation and data analysis techniques used with these instruments.


Radio2018 and GLOW Annual Assembly

Radio2018 and GLOW Annual Assembly

The annual assembly of the German Long Wavelength Consortium (GLOW) and the Radio2018 Symposium, took place from October 24-26, 2018 and both were hosted by the Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg and the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, both  Germany. This event was supported by RadioNet.

At the Radio2018 symposium, recent progress and highlights in radio astronomy were presented to the community. This year, the symposium was organised together with scientists working with ALMA and others using the Sunyaev Zeldovich Effect in the Cosmic Microwave Background. Additionally, the GLOW LOFAR Working Group discussed the strong German contribution to LOFAR – six international LOFAR stations are operated in Germany, the FZ Jülich hosts a large data archive and several software developers contribute to the LOFAR pipelines.




Launch of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)

The launch event on November 23, 2018 in Vienna marked the conclusion of a long process of consultation and reflection with stakeholders and was a symbolic start for the EOSC. The Vienna Declaration on the EOSC Governance Structure summarizes the consultation process by highlighting the most important steps and by reminding the commitments agreed upon by the Member States in the format of various policy documents.

The newly appointed representatives of both, Governance Board and Executive Board presented the Governance Structure of the EOSC. Once up and running, the EOSC will offer Europe's 1.7 million researchers and 70 million science and technology professionals a platform to store, share and re-use their data across disciplines and borders.

Research and Innovation performance and Horizon 2020 country participation

The European Semester, the Commission's yearly cycle of economic policy coordination, supports Member States' structural reforms in different policy areas to promote jobs, growth and investment.

Research and innovation play a key role in this context. That is why the Commission gives recommendations to the Member States and closely works with them to increase the performance of their national research and innovation systems. More



The dissemination of technical and scientific results is an important goal of the RadioNet project.

In order to maximise the impact of the use of RadioNet infrastructures, the RadioNet project will support the travel expenses of the Transnational Access users disseminating the obtained results at international scientific events giving oral presentations.

In order to maximise the impact of the technical developments made by the RadioNet Joint Research Activities, the RadioNet will support travel expenses of the JRA participants disseminating the obtained technical achievements at international technical events giving oral presentations.

Transnational access users and JRA participants can apply for the support by responding to calls for support, which will be issued on January 1, 2019. For more details please check the webpage.

These calls will be issued additionally to the regular calls for support for organisers of scientific / technical events and also for Short Term Missions (staff exchange).



- MPIfR — Receiver development scientist

- IRAM — NOEMA operator

- OSO — Postdoctoral position in galaxy evolution

- ESO — Software engineer, Head of ALMA Operation Group, Head of Engineering Group

Check also EURAXESS



supported by RadioNet

• Planet-forming disks in the ALMA and SPHERE Era on March 4, 2019

• Multi-messenger astronomy with SKA precursors and pathfinders, a capacity building workshop on April 3, 2019

• Zooming in on star formation on June 10, 2019

• Astrochemistry: From Micrometers to Megaparsecs on June 24, 2019

Links to these and to other related events are in our Calendar.



RadioNet Management
Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie
Auf dem Hügel 69  //  DE 53121 Bonn

Subscription (Unsubscription) send e-mail: RadioNet@mpifr.de 

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RadioNet has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730562, and contribution from the partner organisations