
Newsletter Issue 6/2019

RadioNet campaign for visibility of EC / H2020 funding

RadioNet campaign for visibility of the EC / H2020 funding

RadioNet has produced a plaque that will make visible to the general public the EC/H2020 support of the RadioNet partners´ infrastructures.

Recently the plaques have been installed at new prominent and visible places at the 64m EVN-Sardinia telescope (Cagliari/IT), at the APERTIF Long Term Archive - ALTA (Dwingeloo/NL), at the 14m EVN-Westerbork telescope (Westerbork/NL), and at the LOFAR concentrator node (Exloo/NL), from left to right. The action continues.

© RadioNet

RadioNet co-sponsored the LOFAR Science 2019, 20-23 May 2019 in Leiden

LOFAR Science 2019

The LOFAR Science meeting, co-sponsored by RadioNet, consisted of three events: the LOFAR Users Meeting (20 May), the LOFAR Community Science Workshop (21-22 May) and the LOFAR 2.0 Discussion (23 May). There were 130 participants from 12 EU countries and Australia.

The conference focussed both on the scientific results and on planned LOFAR technical developments. The event broadening the scientific horizon of the participants extended by exploring additionally links to complementary radio facilities as well as to major observatories.

The meeting provided an important forum for users to give feedback on LOFAR operations and highlight potential improvements. Future technical developments will ensure that LOFAR remains unique and scientifically impactful in the SKA-era.

Image© R. Pizzo(ASTRON)

9th IRAM 30m Summer School

The 9th IRAM 30-meter Summer School on Millimetre Astronomy will take place in September 6-13, 2019 in Pradollano/ES. This event has received funding from RadioNet.

The school is aimed at attracting new scientists to current and future single-dish millimetre and sub-millimetre facilities. The school is primarily meant for researchers with little previous experience in mm-astronomy. It is limited to about 40 students who will be selected on the basis of their interests, experience, and references. The selection criteria will take into account gender balance and other ethical considerations.

Image© IRAM

Phased Array Feeds for radio-astronomical observations 2019

The workshop will take place at the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef on September 16-18, 2019 and is supported by RadioNet. The scope of the workshop is to exchange ideas and solutions among the developers of radio-astronomical instrumentation in the frequency range below 100GHz, especially under the aspect of phased array feed systems.

After single pixel systems and discrete array receivers have been developed to sensitivities close to the physical limits, phased array feed systems are now the next logical step to further increase the science output of the observing facilities. These receiving systems with up to several hundred receiving channels introduce new technological challenges in all areas. More.


The 3C Radio Sky: Legacy of the Third Cambridge Catalogue

The main scientific objective of the conference is to celebrate the 60-year anniversary of the 3C catalogue, bringing together an international audience of scientists who are actively addressing open questions on how feedback occurs in active galaxies hosted in galaxy groups and clusters. The conference will allow the dissemination of scientific & technical highlights taking maximal advantage of existing and future radio astronomical infrastructures, focussing primarily on the scientific results achieved using the RadioNet infrastructures (as EVN, e-MERLIN, NOEMA, IRAM-30m, LOFAR).

The conference will take place in Torino on September 16-20, 2019 and it has received RadioNet support.



European Research & Innovation Days

Registration for the European Research and Innovation Days on 24, 25 and 26 September 2019 in Brussels/BE is now open. The event aims to gather Europe’s best and brightest researchers, scientists, innovators and policy makers and it will feature three main elements:

POLICY CONFERENCE: 24-26 SEPTEMBER - bringing together world leaders and policy-makers from industry, finance, academia and the entrepreneurial community to debate and shape the future research and innovation landscape.

INNOVATIVE EUROPE HUB: 25-26 SEPTEMBER - an unparalleled meeting and exhibition space for inventors, investors, entrepreneurs and the whole range of services, businesses, civil society organisations, agencies.

SCIENCE IS WONDERFUL! EXHIBITION: 25-26 SEPTEMBER - free entry and open to everybody. This exhibition is a celebration of the very best research and innovation Europe has to offer.

European Semester 2019 Spring Package

The European Commission presents on June 5, 2019 the 2019 country-specific recommendations, giving economic policy guidance to all EU Member States for the next 12 to 18 months. The country-specific recommendations build on the wider priorities outlined in the President's State of the Union address and the Annual Growth Survey. They are revised every year to reflect the progress made and the changing environment.

The European economy is growing for the seventh consecutive year and is set to continue expanding in 2020, with all Member States' economies growing despite less favourable conditions and global uncertainties. The number of people in employment is at a record high and unemployment at a record low. At the same time, there are still significant differences between countries, regions and population groups. Against this backdrop, the Commission calls on Member States to build on the progress made in recent years. Read country specific recommendations.



RadioNet's Transnational Access programme ensures free of charge access to the best European radio astronomical research infrastructures. This opportunity is open to all European researchers and to some extent to researchers from non-EU countries. More



Check also EURAXESS



supported by RadioNet

• A centenary of astrophysical jets: observation, theory and future prospects on July 23-26, 2019 - Jodrell Bank/UK

• YERAC 2019 on August 25, 2019 - Dublin/IR

• 9th IRAM 30m Summer School on September 6, 2019 - Pradollano/ES

• The 3C Radio Sky: Legacy of the Third Cambridge Catalogue on September 15, 2019 - Turin/IT

• Phased Array Feed Workshop on September 16, 2019 - Bad Honnef/DE

Links to these and to other related events are in our Calendar.



RadioNet Management
Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie
Auf dem Hügel 69  //  DE 53121 Bonn

Subscription (Unsubscription) send e-mail: RadioNet@mpifr.de 

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RadioNet has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730562, and contribution from the partner organisations