
Newsletter Issue 11/2019


ADASS Conference 2019

The Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS) conference is the premier conference for the exchange of information about astronomical software, and it is organized each year by a different hosting astronomical institution, at a different location. The ADASS conference 2019 took place in Groningen/NL on October 6-10, and was co-sponsored by RadioNet. ADASS2019 provided a unique forum to 350 astronomers, software engineers, and data scientists to advance astronomical data analysis tools and techniques for the scientific exploitation and handling of astronomical data in all bands of the electromagnetic spectrum, from radio to X-ray. The ADASS2019 contributed to the growth of all RadioNet facilities towards next generation astronomical techniques and research. More

Image (C) Jelle de Plaa



The autumn workshop of the European Pulsar Timing Array (EPTA) took place in Marcoux/FR on October 7-9, 2019. EPTA is a consortium of European radio observatories and research teams aiming on the detection of gravitational waves in the nHz-μHz domain. Five European radio telescopes participate in the collection of millisecond pulsar times: the Lovell telescope (UK), Effelsberg (DE), WSRT (NL), SRT (IT) and NRT (FR). A total of 26 participants focused on the discussion on the scientific roadmap of the collaboration and tutorials for the data analysis process. This meeting was supported by RadioNet. More


RadioNet supports the ERIS 2019, 7-11 October 2019 in Gothenburg

ERIS 2019

The European Radio Interferometry School (ERIS) was hosted this year by the Onsala Space Observatory at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg October 7-11, 2019 and supported by RadioNet. ERIS is a bi-annual advanced school forming an important part of the training and development of young radio astronomers from Europe, but also from the RadioNet partner countries throughout the world. A total of 72 students selected out of 150 applications could enjoy lectures and advanced practical tutorials in using the main European radio astronomy facilities, given by invited specialists: ALMA, e-MERLIN, EVN, LOFAR and NOEMA. More.

Image (C) M. Thomasson, Chalmers

RadioNet co-supported the ALMA2019 in Cagliari/IT, 14-18 October 2019

ALMA2019: Science Results and Cross-Facility Synergies

The Atacama Large Millimetre/Submillimetre Array (ALMA) is the world’s most sensitive facility for millimetre/submillimetre astronomical observations, and will soon be fully operational in all of the originally planned bands. A traditional ALMA science conference was organised in Cagliari/IT on October 14-10, 2019 with co-sponsorship of RadioNet. Over 215 participants presented not only the recent results from the ALMA Large Programmes, but also on initial results from RadioNet facilities: IRAM-30m, IRAM-NOEMA, and APEX. More.

Image (C) INAF


SKA VLBI Key Science Projects and Operations Workshop

The SKA-VLBI workshop took place on October 14-17, 2019 in Jodrell Bank /UK, and was a JUMPING JIVE initiative with additional support from RadioNet and the Square Kilometre Array Organization (SKA).

The workshop introduced the VLBI capabilities and observing modes of the SKA, and presented the latest results in the SKA high priority science areas where VLBI will make an impact. Additionally the 65 participants discussed ideas and possible strategies for major SKA-VLBI Key Science observing programmes, and the impact of global VLBI observations for astronomical research in the future. The SKA will deploy its first phase telescopes in the mid-2020s. More

Image (C) JIVE/SKA


LOFAR Solar and Space Weather Busy Week 2019

This training took place in Dwingeloo/NL on October 21-25, 2019 and was supported by RadioNet. The event focused on the training and on the data processing of Solar and Heliospheric data recorded with LOFAR. The results of this busy week enhanced the scientific results achieved using the RadioNet facility LOFAR, as well as LOFAR technical development, which will enable exciting new science opportunities for the Solar and Space weather field with LOFAR. The impact of the event emphasises: enlarging the community through training of young researchers, the set-up of a common working environment and collaborations across different fields, and the definition of the various scientific studies arising from the LOFAR/PSP observing campaign. More

Image (C) ASTRON




COST Actions after Brexit

The UK government has committed to provide funding for all successful eligible UK bids to Horizon 2020 that are submitted before the end of 2020. This applies to eligible UK participation in COST Actions until the end of 2020. Find out more.

New version of the orientation paper on the first Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe

On October 31, 2019, the European Commission has published a new version of the orientation paper on the Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe. The document contains ideas for the first Strategic Plan for the next Framework Programme, including descriptions of planned clusters and a list of proposed partnerships. The updated version of the orientation paper takes into account the results of the public consultation. The new changes are mainly content-related additions and reformulations of the text.



RadioNet's Transnational Access programme ensures free of charge access to the best European radio astronomical research infrastructures. This opportunity is open to all European researchers and to some extent to researchers from non-EU countries. More




ASTRON – Postdoc, Software staff position 

ESO – APEX support astronomer, ALMA Posdoc fellow, User support astronomer

IRAM – Senior Linux System Engineer in Grenoble 

MPIfR – Two postdocs

Check also EURAXESS



supported by RadioNet

• IPTA Hack week on December 9, 2019

• EPTA on March 29, 2020

• LOFAR4SW User Workshop on May 13, 2020

• 6. Workshop on compact steep sprectrum & GHz peaked spectrum Radio Sources on June 9, 2020

• 15th European VLBI Network Symposium and User´s meeting on July 6, 2020

• CESRA2020 Summer School on August 24, 2020

Links to these and to other related events are in our Calendar.



RadioNet Management
Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie
Auf dem Hügel 69  //  DE 53121 Bonn

Subscription (Unsubscription) send e-mail: RadioNet@mpifr.de 

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RadioNet has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730562, and contribution from the partner organisations