
European Radio Astronomy Consortium

Newsletter Issue 3/2021

Launch of Europe’s largest astronomy network

Launch of Europe’s largest astronomy network

Until now, Europe has had two major collaborative networks for ground-based astronomy, one in the optical domain and the other in the radio-wave domain. OPTICON and RadioNet have now come together to form Europe’s largest ground-based astronomy collaborative network. Launched with funding to the tune of €15 million under the H2020 programme, the project aims to harmonise observational methods and tools, and provide access to a wider range of astronomy facilities. The CNRS will coordinate the project, together with the University of Cambridge and the Max-Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy.

Astronomers from 15 European countries, Australia and South Africa, as well as from 37 institutions, have already joined the ORP consortium, including those of the RadioNet community. Read more.

For more information visit: webpage

Image (C) Artwork: BeabudaiDesign

Astronomers Image Magnetic Fields at the Edge of M87’s Black Hole

Astronomers Image Magnetic Fields at the Edge of M87’s Black Hole

The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration, who produced the first ever image of a black hole, has revealed a new view of the massive object at the centre of the M87 galaxy: how it looks in polarised light. This is the first time astronomers have been able to measure polarisation, a signature of magnetic fields, this close to the edge of a black hole. The observations are key to explaining how the M87 galaxy, located 55 million light-years away, is able to launch energetic jets from its core. Find more information here.

Image © EHT

RadioViews: 3rd episode available

MPIfR RadioViews: Joana Kramer on 3D relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of AGN

RadioViews is a series of videos where fellow researchers present their results in compact form.

Here you see the episode, where Ph.D. researcher Joana Kramer explains her exciting research on 3D relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of AGN and the post-process imaging of synthetic CP data.

Joana is a member of the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) and she studies „Very Long Baseline Array Imaging of a TANAMI Active Galactic Nuclei“ and „Extragalactic Jets – Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations & Ray-Tracing“ under the supervision of Prof. Eduardo Ros and Dr. Nicholas MacDonald.

SKAO Is Born – Launch Of International Observatory Signals New Era For Radio Astronomy

SKAO ´s science conference “A precursor view of the SKA sky”

SKAO held its 2021 science conference “A precursor view of the SKA sky” on March 15-19. Held online for the first time, the conference saw a large international interest, with more than 950 participants from 38 countries. Over 400 abstracts were submitted for consideration, reflecting the great enthusiasm and vibrancy of the research community. These abstracts were whittled down into a programme of 82 plenary talks and over 100 splinter talks.

Virtual OPTICON Archival School Using ESO and ALMA Data, June 19-26, 2021

Virtual OPTICON Archival School Using ESO and ALMA Data, June 19-26, 2021

The Virtual OPTICON Archival School Using ESO and ALMA Data will take place June 19-26, 2021.

In this school the students will do a project using data available either in the ESO or ALMA archive. The school also includes basic lectures on ESO and ALMA, but the emphasis is on hands-on work. Deadline for applications Friday April 23. More information on the school here.

EAS 2021: Symposium SS5 - Data-intensive radio astronomy: bringing astrophysics to the exabyte era

EAS SS9: European Forum of Astronomical Communities

On the EAS 2021, on June 28, 2021 there will be held the Special Session SS9: European Forum of Astronomical Communities. The European Forum of Astronomical Communities is a platform of the EAS to discuss the development of underrepresented astronomy communities in Europe.

The main goal of SS9 is to maintain an forum for discussing ways to support underrepresented astronomical communities in Europe, to support the professionalization of astronomy communities in Europe, to present current research, industrial and educational networking activities available in Europe.

Please keep in mind the Special Session SS5: Data-intensive radio astronomy: bringing astrophysics to the exabyte era (June 28, 2021) and  the Special Session SS11: Extreme astrophysics at extremely high resolution (June 29, 2021).

Italy joins the JIVE ERIC

Italy joins the JIVE ERIC

As of March 12, 2021, Italy has become a member of the JIVE European Research Infrastructure Consortium. By joining the JIVE ERIC entity, Italy supports the sustainability of a strong institute for VLBI science, serving as the operational hub of the European VLBI Network and guarding the interests of the global radio-astronomical user community. Find more information here.

Image © JIV-ERIC

Astronet Science Vision & Infrastructure Roadmap: Comments of the community welcome

Astronet Science Vision & Infrastructure Roadmap: Consultation open

Astronet is a consortium of European funding agencies, established for the purpose of providing advice on long-term planning and development of European Astronomy. 

The first European Science Vision and Infrastructure Roadmap for Astronomy was created in 2008/09, and updated in 2014/15. Astronet is now developing a new Science Vision & Infrastructure Roadmap with an outlook for the next 20 years. The first drafts of the chapters are now available for comments here by May 1, 2021.

Public availability of a tutorial document on geodetic and astrometric VLBI


A tutorial document on geodetic and astrometric VLBI

A 50+ page tutorial document on geodetic and astrometric VLBI – Elements of Geodetic and Astrometric Very Long Baseline Interferometry – is now publicly available. This document is an open tutorial for educational purposes, in particular for newcomers and specialists.

It is by far not complete, the community is invited to contribute to the extension by email. The latest version and any future updates are here.



Changes at DG Research & Innovation

The new organization Chart of the Directorate General for Research and Innovation with the responsible agencies for the implementation of Horizon Europe is now available. Several new executive agencies will be created and quite a number of DG RTD employees (about 15%) will move to them. DG RTD will now focus more on policy affairs. The Agencies will manage the projects.

Social media campaign on RIs: "A different kind of infrastructure"

The EC is running a Social Media campaign entitled “A different kind of infrastructure” on the EC Twitter (@EUScienceInnov) and Facebook (@EUScienceInnov) pages. Each post will present the work of the projects/Research Infrastructures. RadioNet will be presented on April 6, 2021.

Open Research Europe

Open Research Europe is open to submissions from Horizon 2020 beneficiaries. Articles are published rapidly as soon as they are accepted, after passing a series of prepublication checks to assess originality, readability, author eligibility, and compliance with Open Research Europe’s policies and ethical guidelines. More information here.

Call for ERC Consolidator Grant - Open

The call for proposals for the ERC Consolidator Grant 2021 opened until April 20, 2021. It is designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they may still be consolidating their how independent research team or programme.

Q&A: UK in Horizon Europe

EC published a Q&A confirming that UK entities are already eligible to apply for calls of Horizon Europe. It explains the process, scope and main features of UK’s association to Horizon Europe. Read more here.

Horizon Europe´s Strategic Plan 2021-2024 published

On March 15, 2021, the EC has adopted and published the Horizon Europe Strategic Plan 2021-2024. The strategic plan contains among others key strategic orientations for research and innovation support and their targeted impact, identification of European co-funded and co-programmed partnerships, identification of EU missions and areas of international cooperation.



Open Call for proposals at INAF Radio telescopes: 2021B

Open Call for proposals at INAF radio telescopes

The Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF) invites scientists to participate in the call for proposals of observing time at the three national radio telescopes:

• the 32-m Medicina antenna

• the 32-m Noto antenna

• the 64-m Sardinia Radio Telescope

The three telescopes can be used as single dish for spectroscopic and continuum observations as well as for VLBI, outside the standard networks coordination (EVN, IVS, etc.). Please note: SRT cannot be offered during semester 2021B due upgrade at higher frequency. Instructions can be found here.

Deadline on April 8, 2021 at 12:00 UTC.

Onsala Space Observatory: Open Call for APEX proposals from March 30, 2021

Onsala Space Observatory: Open Call for APEX proposals

The Onsala Space Observatory will open a Call for APEX proposals from March 30, 2021. You will find the call text and details here.

Deadline: May 6, 2021


Open Call of e-MERLIN for observing in Cycle 12

Open Call of e-MERLIN for observing in Cycle 12

e-MERLIN invites the astronomical community to submit observing proposals for Cycle 12.

Proposals are competitively peer-reviewed under standard STFC rules by the Programme Allocation of Telescope Time (PATT) e-MERLIN Time Allocation Group. Allocation will be made on the basis of scientific merit and technical feasibility alone. Find all details on the call here.

Deadline on May 13, 2021 at 23:59:59 UT.


The Westerbork Apertif Long Term Archive (ALTA) is a brand new facility offering to the world-wide astronomical community free virtual access to data and scientific products produced from all sky surveys of the Northern sky that will be conducted with the new Apertif frontend of the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT), as well as tools to query, further exploit and perform data mining of these products adaptable to diverse research goals.




• ALMA: Technical Lead – Control Specialist - position

• INAF: 2-yr post-doc  - position - deadline 31.3.2021

• University of Manchester: Software Developer (OPTICON-Radionet PILOT) - position – deadline 13.04.2021

• TU Berlin: University Professorship in Applied Planetary Geodesy - position – deadline 6.4.2021

Check also EURAXESS



• GBT@20 – The Celebration - April 21, 2021 - virtual

• 6th Workshop on CSS and GPS Sources - May 10-14, 2021 – virtual

• CAP2021 - May 24-27, 2021 - virtual

• ICRI 2021 - June 1-3, 2021 - virtual

• Virtual OPTICON Archival School Using ESO and ALMA Data - June 19-26, 2021 - virtual

• European Research and Innovation Days -  June 23 and 24, 2021 – online event

• EAS2021 - June 28 – July 2, 2021 – virtual

• 3rd ESO Summer Research Programme - July 5 – August 13, 2021 – Garching/DE

• 15th EVN Symposium and User´s meeting on July 12-16, 2021, virtual

• The URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GASS) - August 28 – September 4, 2021, Rome/virtual

See also the Calender




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RadioNet - European Radio Astronomy Consortium