European Radio Astronomy ConsortiumNewsletter Issue 5/2021
The European Research Council (ERC) has just announced that it has funded its 10.000th researcher and the RadioNet community congratulates heartily the ERC and all the grantees. The ERC grants come in different categories, e.g. for researchers starting or consolidating their careers, for collaborations, and for advanced leaders in their fields. The grants have in common that the only award criterion is scientific excellence, without considering political aspects. The rules are the same for all researchers in Europe and the evaluation panel consists of the most eminent experts in different research fields. The awards are highly oversubscribed with a success rate of less than 1 in 10. This is why the ERC Grants are considered the gold standard for scientific excellence, not only for individual researchers, but also for their host institutions. We are proud that researchers from the RadioNet partners have been quite successful in the past in receiving ERC grants. Among them Thomas Ray with the project Ejection Accretion Structures in YSOs (EASY), Andrei Barychev with the project Study of Terahertz Focal Plain Arrays (TFPA), Jan Mathijs Van Der Hulst with the project The HI Story of Galaxy Evolution in the Nearby Universe (HISTORYNU), Michael Kramer with the projects Large European Array for Pulsars (LEAP) and BlackHoleCam (BHC), and Anton Zensus with the project Mapping Magnetic Fields with INterferometry Down to Event hoRizon Scales (M2FINDERS). Image: © ERC
On May 12, 2021, the 100-m radio telescope of the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn celebrated its 50th birthday. On the occasion of the anniversary, the Time Travel Trail is opened as the fourth astronomical hiking trail at the radio telescope. Read more here. Image: © Norbert Junkes/MPIfR
The SKA Observatory (SKAO) is pleased to announce the appointment of the new directors in Australia and South Africa. These positions are the most senior SKAO operations representatives in the telescope host countries. Dr Sarah Pearce, currently Acting Chief Scientist of Australia’s national science agency CSIRO, will be the director of the SKAO’s low-frequency telescope in Australia. Dr Lindsay Magnus, currently Head of Operations at the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO), will be the director of the SKAO’s mid-frequency telescope in South Africa. Read more here. The newly born SKA Observatory (SKAO) has unveiled its brand following approval by the SKAO Council. The brand launch signals a new chapter in the SKA Project’s history, after the SKAO officially came into being as an intergovernmental organisation on January 15, 2021. Full information here.
The ESCAPE Summer School will take place on June 7-18, 2021. The program of the school is devoted to project development for astrophysics, astroparticle physics & particle physics. It will provide theoretical and hands-on training on Data Science and Python development (coding environment and good code practices, version control and collaborative development, Python packaging, scientific libraries for data science and analysis and machine learning). A Slack community for the school is available for communication between participants, to ask questions to tutors, amongst others. Find full information here. Registration is open from 26 April to 31 May.
An online EVN Mini-Symposium and Users Meeting will be held during July 12-14, 2021. The EVN Symposium is the main forum for discussion of the latest Very Long Baseline Interferometry scientific results and technical and technological developments within the EVN member countries. Timeline for the EVN Mini-Symposium
• May 15, 2021 - Deadline for submission of abstracts
• May 31, 2021 - Participants informed of outcome of submission of abstracts
• July 12-14, 2021 - 15th EVN Symposium
Registration will remain open up to the end of the mini-symposium. Find information and details on the website. Image: © JIVE
The online workshop The Future of Airborne Infrared/Submm Astronomy: Prospects and Opportunities, July 26-29, 2021, is the first of two workshops, intended for all those concerned about the short-term and mid-term future of Infrared and Submm astronomy. The first workshop aims to identify the main scientific interests in this field, in preparation for a second workshop that will focus specifically on supporting instrumental solutions that can be contributed from the European side. New ideas are welcome, there is ample room on the workshop for contributed talks. Meeting times will be suitable for both European and American audiences. More details are available at the workshop homepage. Image: Serpens South star cluster © SOFIA/NASA, SOFIA Image © NASA/Jim Ross
The South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO), which includes the MeerKAT and the African SKA programme, is recruiting bright and enthusiastic Engineering and Science-Honours graduates for its internship programme. To register, please complete the application form here. The deadline for applications is the June 30, 2021. Find full information here.
The EC is committed to promoting gender equality in research and innovation. It is part of the European Commission Gender Equality Strategy for 2020-2025, which sets out the Commission’s broader commitment to equality across all EU policies. In addition, the EU has a well-established regulatory framework on gender equality, including binding directives, which apply widely across the labour market including the research sector. Find the full information here. A new user-friendly REA website has been developed to keep all informed about the upcoming calls. Find the new website here. The ERC Scientific Council and the EIC pilot Advisory Board aim to nurture the best talent in research and in innovation. Their presence under the same framework programme, Horizon Europe, recognizes that many ERC researchers are also innovators and many EIC innovators also are researchers. Both institutions have met on May 17, 2021 to promote strong collaboration between the institutions that they respectively govern and advise. Read their statement here.
The Westerbork Apertif Long Term Archive (ALTA) is a brand new facility offering to the world-wide astronomical community free virtual access to data and scientific products produced from all sky surveys of the Northern sky that will be conducted with the new Apertif frontend of the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT), as well as tools to query, further exploit and perform data mining of these products adaptable to diverse research goals. .
The Telescopes for All project, an IAU Global Outreach Project, distributes telescopes signed by astronauts and scientists, including Nobel Prize winners, to underserved communities around the world. The project aims to broaden the horizons of children, adults and educators while sparking an interest in science and raising awareness for equal opportunities in pursuing careers in astronomy. Proposals and recommendations must be submitted to the IAU OAO. See all information here. Deadline: June 1, 2021
• University of Tokyo - Assistant Professor at Kamioka Observatory – position – deadline 7.6.2021
• University of Western Australia - Senior Research Fellow – Observational Radio Astronomy - position - deadline11.6.2021
• SKAO - Engineering Management Systems Engineer - position – 11.6.2021, Postdoctoral Researcher In Radio Astronomy Simulations - position - deadline 31.8.2021 and other positions
• Royal Institute of Technology School of Engineering Sciences Sweden - Doctoral student in Astrophysics – position - deadline 14.6.2021
• University of the Western Cape - Postdoctoral Fellowships in observational and theoretical cosmology related to the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) – position
• International Astronomical Union & National Astronomical Observatory of Japan - International Outreach Officer (IOO) – position
Check also EURAXESS
• ICRI 2021 - June 1-3, 2021 - virtual, invitation only
• Virtual OPTICON Archival School Using ESO and ALMA Data - June 19-26, 2021 - virtual
• European Research and Innovation Days - June 23 and 24, 2021 – online event
• EAS2021 - June 28 – July 2, 2021 – virtual
• 3rd ESO Summer Research Programme - July 5 – August 13, 2021 – Garching/DE
• The Future of Airborne Infrared/Submm Astronomy: Prospects and Opportunities - July 26-28, 2021. - virtual
• 15th EVN Symposium and User´s meeting on July 12-14, 2021, virtual
• The URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GASS) - August 28 – September 4, 2021, Rome/virtual
See also the Calender
RadioNet - European Radio Astronomy Consortium