The workshop aims to bring together experts and stakeholders from various fields of radio astronomy to discuss the scientific potential and challenges of a future European wide-field radio interferometer. The workshop will cover topics such as:
- Recent advances and emerging themes in radio astronomy and transient astrophysics
- The science priorities for ARGOS: pulsar timing, PTAs, FRBs, cosmology, transients, techno-signatures, VLBI, high-energy astrophysics and more
- The technical requirements and design options for the instrument: (configuration, data processing, calibration etc)
- The synergies and complementarities of ARGOS with other existing and planned radio facilities such as LOFAR, SKA, DSA2000, MeerKAT, ASKAP, FAST, Chime, etc.
- The roadmap and timeline for the development and implementation of ARGOS
The workshop will feature invited and contributed talks, posters, and panel discussions. Submissions that contribute to the development of the ARGOS Science Requirements will be compiled in a proceedings volume (the ARGOS blue book) after peer review.
We invite interested parties to register and submit abstracts for oral or poster presentations via the workshop website by September 25, 2023.