Galaxy interactions and mergers across cosmic time

/Galaxy interactions and mergers across cosmic time

Galaxy interactions and mergers across cosmic time

Event Details

We live in a crucial moment, when many of these questions can finally be tackled. On the one hand, galaxy simulations are starting to resolve gravitational instabilities in the ISM down to parsec-scales. On the other hand, new and upcoming facilities such as ALMA, JWST and ELT will reveal how gas and stars reorganize when galaxies collide out to high redshift. The goal of this workshop is to catalyze discussions among experts working on different redshifts, techniques and wavelengths, and to foster synergies between observers and theorists. This will help build a complete picture of this fundamental phenomenon, and to identify the most fruitful instrumental avenues to explore in the near future.


Meeting webpage here .

By | 2018-08-24T08:16:58+00:00 August 4th, 2017|Comments Off on Galaxy interactions and mergers across cosmic time