IAU Symposium 333: Peering towards Cosmic Dawn

/IAU Symposium 333: Peering towards Cosmic Dawn

IAU Symposium 333: Peering towards Cosmic Dawn

Event Details

This symposium, aimed at discussing both, is perfectly timed for:  getting the clearest and widest view possible on the EoR; showing the richness of data and presenting the state-of-the-art foreground science; and discussing challenges of coming and planned facilities (e.g. HERA and SKA).

This symposium will highlight the accomplishments of several RadioNet associated facilities, in particular LOFAR as the premier instrument to probe the signal of the EoR and simultaneously measure all emission from the contaminating (but scientifically interesting) foregrounds.

Meeting webpage here.

By | 2017-09-28T08:40:14+00:00 August 4th, 2017|Comments Off on IAU Symposium 333: Peering towards Cosmic Dawn