Monthly Archives: April 2017


Horizon 2020 – Results of the stakeholders consultation

  On 28 April 2017, the European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD)  and the EESC are organizing a joint event to present and discuss the results of the stakeholders consultation on the Horizon 2020 programme, in which the RadioNet community participated.  The event will also be an occasion to compare these results [...]

By | 2017-04-27T13:34:05+00:00 April 27th, 2017|announcement, meetings|Comments Off on Horizon 2020 – Results of the stakeholders consultation

YERAC 2017

The Young European Radio Astronomers Conference will take place in  Bologna, 18-22 September 2017: The purpose of YERAC is for undergraduate, graduate and young post-doctoral students in radio astronomy from all over Europe to meet each other and present their work. Due to its nature, YERAC covers all aspects of radio astronomy, from the Sun out to the [...]

By | 2017-04-26T08:22:40+00:00 April 12th, 2017|announcement, meetings|Comments Off on YERAC 2017


The SPOOR group (Strategy & Policy forum) will hold its first meeting on May 23, 2017 and deal with a sustainability plan for European radio astronomy and future RadioNet activities. Board members are very welcome.  

By | 2017-04-13T09:03:13+00:00 April 12th, 2017|announcement, meetings|Comments Off on SPOOR