RadioNet Newsletter 2/2019 issued
The RadioNet newsletter 2/2019 has been issued today. See here.
The RadioNet newsletter 2/2019 has been issued today. See here.
Botswana International University of Science & Technology is looking for a Project Manager - for AVN Botswana /Botswana Radio Astronomy Observatory. The position is based at BIUST Campus, Palapye and is offered on contract basis of up to 5 years. More information here.
An international research team has combined radio telescopes from five continents on 12 March 2018 to prove the existence of a narrow stream of material, a so-called jet, emerging from the only gravitational wave event involving two neutron stars observed so far. The research leading to these results has received funding from RadioNet under the [...]
The International LOFAR Telescope (ILT) is a powerful next-generation radio telescope for frequencies below 240 MHz that offers revolutionary new observing capabilities thanks to its phased-array technology with digital beam-forming. LOFAR delivers correlated visibility data for synthesis imaging, plus in/coherently added single and multiple station data (several beam-formed modes) as well as transient buffer read-out, [...]
Brexit Preparedness: European Commission adopts final set of “no-deal” contingency measures for Erasmus+ students, social security coordination rules and the EU budget Brussels, 30 January 2019 European Commission - Press release Given the increasing risk that the United Kingdom may leave the EU on 30 March this year without a deal (a “no-deal” scenario), the [...]
RadioNet is the main sponsors of the conference A Centenary of Astrophysical Jets: Observation, Theory, & Future Prospects, which will take place on 23-26 July 2019 in Jodrell Bank. The RadioNet infrastructures (e-MERLIN, EVN, LOFAR) as well as beneficiaries have contributed immensely towards the scientific inquiry into astrophysical jets over the past decades. The conference [...]
Call for Proposals on IRAM Telescopes is open. The deadline for submission of observing proposals on IRAM telescopes, both the NOEMA interferometer and the 30-meter telescope, covering the scheduling period 1 June to 30 November 2019, is 14 March 2019, 17:00 CET (UT + 1 hour). IRAM proposals should be submitted through the Proposal Management [...]
The First CTA Symposium is “Science opportunities with CTA” and will take place in Bologna 6-9 May 2019. The first symposium will focus on the novel investigations CTA will bring to the field and its synergies with other wavebands and messengers. It will also cover instrument characteristics, analysis tools and opportunities for guest investigators and how [...]
For the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science, March 3 is the deadline for abstract submission. Please use the online portal for submission. The Very Early bird rate will be available only until Sunday 10th February here.