Monthly Archives: October 2020


Three terahertz arrays for GUSTO mission

GUSTO is a balloon telescope that will simultaneously map three types of material in the gas and dust between stars. SRON and TU Delft develop all three detector arrays for this NASA mission based on the detector technology developed from EU RadioNet programs. The final two flight arrays have recently passed their pre-shipment review and [...]

By | 2020-10-20T07:30:48+00:00 October 20th, 2020|press release|Comments Off on Three terahertz arrays for GUSTO mission

EC: Horizon Results Platform online

The EC has opened a Horizon Results Platform. Whether you are a policy-maker, an investor, an entrepreneur, a researcher, an innovation, legal, business development or financing expert, or any interested citizen, this is the place to discover the wealth of EU-funded research results and get in contact with their creators!

By | 2020-10-19T13:45:24+00:00 October 19th, 2020|announcement, press release|Comments Off on EC: Horizon Results Platform online


RADIOSYMPAN1,2->3: Familiarizing School and High School/Lycium pupils across Greece with Radio astronomy and Radio telescope Technology in the times of Covid-19 Article by Gizani, N. & Veldes, G. on behalf of the Scientific Team. Motivated by the upcoming Hellenic Radio telescope THERMOpYlae, and driven by the need to familiarize pupils with Radio astronomy and the [...]

By | 2020-10-19T13:37:45+00:00 October 19th, 2020|announcement, press release, Uncategorized|Comments Off on RADIOSYMPAN1,2->3

Workshop “Exploiting Archives for Radio Astronomy in the SKA era”, November 23-25, 2020 – as virtual meeting

The Institute of Astronomy and Space Sciences (IA) in collaboration with the University of Manchester and the RadioNet consortium is glad to announce that the online workshop "Exploiting Archives for Radio Astronomy in the SKA era" will take place on November 23-25, 2020  as virtual meeting. Astrophysics is without doubt entering at present the century [...]

By | 2020-10-19T11:22:32+00:00 October 19th, 2020|announcement, press release|Comments Off on Workshop “Exploiting Archives for Radio Astronomy in the SKA era”, November 23-25, 2020 – as virtual meeting

ERA-LEARN: Summary on the EC´s “Communication on a new European Research Area for Research and Innovation”

ERA-LEARN, which supports research funding organisations, policy makers and researchers with general information and services on research and innovation partnership initiatives, published an article that summarizes the Communication on a new European Research Area for Research and Innovation, adopted by the European Commission on 30 September 2020, with a view to European Partnerships. Read the summary [...]

By | 2020-10-19T13:36:12+00:00 October 19th, 2020|announcement, press release|Comments Off on ERA-LEARN: Summary on the EC´s “Communication on a new European Research Area for Research and Innovation”

Job vacancy: ESO is looking for a Facilities Technical Assistant in Santiago/Chile

For its Infrastructure Department in Santiago, within the Directorate of Administration, ESO is advertising a Local Staff member position of a Facilities Technical assistant. The selected candidate will provide support to the Santiago Facilities Administrator in technical activities such as inspections, maintenance of buildings and equipment, documentation, development and analysis as well as records keeping. [...]

By | 2020-10-15T13:11:53+00:00 October 15th, 2020|announcement|Comments Off on Job vacancy: ESO is looking for a Facilities Technical Assistant in Santiago/Chile

Job vacancy: Research position at the University of Bielefeld

The University of Bielefeld is looking for an experienced radio astronomer in the context of MeerKAT and the SKA. The candidate is expected to take a coordinating role among the partners of the German D-MeerKAT consortium that contributes to MeerKAT and SKA pathfinder science. Application deadline: November 22, 2020. Full advertisement here.  

By | 2020-11-09T07:19:43+00:00 October 14th, 2020|announcement|Comments Off on Job vacancy: Research position at the University of Bielefeld

The sharpest view of the radio Universe VLBI – Connecting Astronomers Worldwide

The next European VLBI Network e-seminar will be held on October 19, 2020, 16:00 CEST. It is one of 7 talks the EVN presents in a series of virtual seminars focused on how very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations can significantly contribute to different astronomical fields. These seminars are oriented to the broad astronomical community and provide [...]

By | 2020-10-13T09:55:53+00:00 October 13th, 2020|announcement, press release|Comments Off on The sharpest view of the radio Universe VLBI – Connecting Astronomers Worldwide

RADIO2020 & GLOW ASSEMBLY, VIRTUAL EVENT, October 12-14, 2020

The meeting will host a symposium covering a broad variety of astrophysics at radio wavelength, as well as GLOW  (German Long Wavelength Consortium), LOFAR and MeerKAT gatherings. Registration of attendance is required to receive further instructions for participation. Registration is now closed, but organizers can be contacted in case of interest to still join the event. More [...]

By | 2020-10-06T09:54:41+00:00 October 6th, 2020|announcement|Comments Off on RADIO2020 & GLOW ASSEMBLY, VIRTUAL EVENT, October 12-14, 2020

Started today: 2nd ESFRI RIs-EOSC Workshop “Research Infrastructures shaping EOSC”

  The 2nd ESFRI RIs-EOSC Workshop "Research Infrastructures shaping EOSC", 06-07.10.2020, started today as virtual meeting. The main objective of the workshop is to bring together ESFRI, ESFRI RIs and EOSC stakeholders, in order to showcase and better comprehend the EOSC concept and value proposition for its users, and ensure the optimal federation of ESFRI [...]

By | 2020-10-06T08:49:28+00:00 October 6th, 2020|announcement|Comments Off on Started today: 2nd ESFRI RIs-EOSC Workshop “Research Infrastructures shaping EOSC”