Monthly Archives: August 2022


Open call: EU Award for Gender Equality Champions

This new EU Award for Gender Equality Champions is the European Commission's initiative to recognise and celebrate the outstanding results achieved in the implementation of gender equality by academic and research organisations. The application process to this first edition of this EU Award is now open. There are 3 prize categories: Sustainable Gender Equality Champions Newcomer Gender [...]

By | 2022-08-16T09:16:04+00:00 August 16th, 2022|announcement|Comments Off on Open call: EU Award for Gender Equality Champions

Save the date! Conference on the 40th anniversary of the start of VLBI in Italy planned for May 22-26, 2023

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the start of VLBI operations in Italy, a VLBI conference with the provisional title  Bologna-VLBI: Life begins at 40! New frontiers and scientific challenges with enhanced frequency/time/space dynamic range is planned to take place in Bologna at the CNR Research Area on May 22-26, 2023. The conference is [...]

By | 2022-08-15T09:47:26+00:00 August 15th, 2022|announcement|Comments Off on Save the date! Conference on the 40th anniversary of the start of VLBI in Italy planned for May 22-26, 2023

EC: New guidelines for knowledge valorisation in research and innovation

On 9 August 2022 the European Commission adopted a proposal for a Council Recommendation on the guiding principles for knowledge valorisation with the aim to increase social and economic value from knowledge and transforming data and research results into sustainable products and solutions. Read here the EC article on the proposal published by the Directorate-General [...]

By | 2022-08-10T09:00:21+00:00 August 10th, 2022|announcement|Comments Off on EC: New guidelines for knowledge valorisation in research and innovation

ALMA: First-Ever Detection of Gas in a Circumplanetary Disk

Scientists using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) to study planet formation have made the first-ever detection of gas in a circumplanetary disk. The detection also suggests the presence of a very young exoplanet. The results of the research are published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters. Read the ALMA article ALMA Makes First-Ever Detection of Gas in a Circumplanetary [...]

By | 2022-08-10T06:59:30+00:00 August 10th, 2022|announcement, press release|Comments Off on ALMA: First-Ever Detection of Gas in a Circumplanetary Disk

EHT: Resolving the core of the J1924-2914 blazar

Scientists at the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) have imaged the distant blazar J1924-2914 with unprecedented angular resolution, revealing previously unseen details of the source structure. The images reveal a helically bent jet emerging from a compact quasar core; EHT scientists managed to map the linearly polarized emission in the inner part of the J1924-2914 quasar. [...]

By | 2022-08-09T12:32:48+00:00 August 9th, 2022|announcement, press release|Comments Off on EHT: Resolving the core of the J1924-2914 blazar

IRAM Telescopes: Call for proposals open

The call is open for observing proposals on IRAM telescopes, both the NOEMA interferometer and the 30-meter telescope, for the winter semester 2022/23. For both observatories, the scheduling period is December 01, 2022 to May 31, 2023. Access/funding offered through the ORP (Opticon RadioNet Pilot) project. Submission deadline: September 15, 2022, 17:00 CEST (UT + [...]

By | 2022-08-04T05:23:43+00:00 August 4th, 2022|announcement|Comments Off on IRAM Telescopes: Call for proposals open