

About irottmann

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So far irottmann has created 97 blog entries.

EVN Call for Proposals

********************************** European VLBI Network Call for Proposals Deadline: 1 February 2020 23:59:59 UTC ********************************** Observing proposals are invited for the European VLBI Network (EVN). The EVN facility is open to all astronomers. Astronomers with limited or no VLBI experience are particularly encouraged to apply for observing time. Student proposals are judged favorably. Support with proposal [...]

By | 2020-01-07T16:01:48+00:00 January 7th, 2020|announcement, transnational access|Comments Off on EVN Call for Proposals

GMVA Call for Proposals

GLOBAL 3mm VLBI ARRAY - Deadline: 3 February 2020 VLBI proposals for observing at 3mm wavelength (86 GHz) using: the VLBA, GBT*, EFFELSBERG, PICO VELETA, NOEMA, ONSALA, METSAEHOVI, YEBES and KVN telescopes should be submitted by 3 FEBRUARY 2020 (UT 22:00) ========================== Successful proposals will be considered for scheduling in GMVA Session II 2020 (8 [...]

By | 2020-01-06T08:47:27+00:00 January 6th, 2020|announcement|Comments Off on GMVA Call for Proposals

e-MERLIN Cycle 10 call for proposals

Deadline: Jan 15 2020 e-MERLIN requests proposals from the international astronomical community for observations to be made during Cycle-10. Proposals are competitively peer-reviewed under standard STFC rules by the PATT e-MERLIN Time Allocation Committee. Allocation will be made on the basis of scientific merit and technical feasibility alone. During e-MERLIN operations ~50% of observing time [...]

By | 2019-12-04T10:43:29+00:00 December 4th, 2019|announcement, transnational access|Comments Off on e-MERLIN Cycle 10 call for proposals

From observation to dissemination – RadioNet Transnational user A. Zavagno reports

My research field deals with the formation of high mass stars. I am interested in the role of already formed high mass stars (and their associated ionized - HII - regions) on the possible formation of a new generation of (high mass) stars. The many available infrared and submillimetre surveys have revealed the important of [...]

By | 2019-10-28T12:10:58+00:00 October 2nd, 2019|financial support, press release, transnational access, Uncategorized|Comments Off on From observation to dissemination – RadioNet Transnational user A. Zavagno reports

10th OPTICON Gaia Science Alerts workshop

The workshop will be held in Catania, Sicily, 18 - 20 December 2019.  The main goals of this year's workshop are: update on the Gaia mission, update on the improvements in the Gaia Alerts, Gaia Alerts highlights and results, synergies with radio, X-ray and high energy surveys, new members of the telescope network, new photometric calibration [...]

By | 2019-09-27T11:56:31+00:00 September 27th, 2019|announcement, meetings|Comments Off on 10th OPTICON Gaia Science Alerts workshop

Multi-line Diagnostics of the Interstellar Medium

30.3 - 1.4.2020 / Hotel Le Saint Paul, Nice/FR. The conference aims to bring together scientists from a wide interdisciplinary community to address recent advances, current challenges and future directions in the field. The conference will feature three days of contributed and invited talks as well as posters on the topic of multi-line observations, analysis [...]

By | 2019-09-25T07:49:19+00:00 September 25th, 2019|announcement|Comments Off on Multi-line Diagnostics of the Interstellar Medium

Effelsberg Call for Proposals

The 100-m radio telescope of the Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie and the data reduction facilities are available to all qualified scientists. The present policy allows the allocation of up to 40% of available observing time to external astronomers. The directors of the institute make observing time available to applicants based on the recommendations of the Program [...]

By | 2019-09-18T13:56:11+00:00 September 18th, 2019|announcement, transnational access|Comments Off on Effelsberg Call for Proposals