Monthly Archives: April 2018


Cosmic Rays: the salt of the star formation recipe, Florence 2-4 May, 2018

Cosmic rays are a key ingredient in many fields of Astrophysics and in particular in Star Formation, but despite their great relevance our understanding is still relatively incomplete. The discussion arising from this workshop will settle the ground for a more efficient exploitation of the current facilities (Radionet facilities as NOEMA, IRAM 30m, APEX, Effelsberg, [...]

By | 2018-04-30T11:07:19+00:00 April 30th, 2018|announcement|Comments Off on Cosmic Rays: the salt of the star formation recipe, Florence 2-4 May, 2018

EPTA 2018 started today

The European Timing Array (EPTA) is having their semi-annual collaboration meeting in Norwich, UK, hosted by the University of East Anglia and co-sponserd by RadioNet. This meeting brings together scientists from across Europe, whose aim is to detect the gravitational wave signature from interacting supermassive black holes in distant, merging galaxies in the early universe. [...]

By | 2018-04-18T10:47:10+00:00 April 18th, 2018|announcement, meetings, press release|Comments Off on EPTA 2018 started today


Cycle-7 e-MERLIN Observations : June 2018 - December 2018 Deadline for Receipt of Proposals - 23:59:59 UT on 17th May 2018 e-MERLIN requests proposals from the international astronomical community for observations to be made during Cycle-7. e-MERLIN provides high resolution (12-150mas) and high sensitivity (~[7]-14 microJy [inc. Lovell Telescope] in Cycle-7) imaging at cm wavelengths [...]

By | 2018-04-18T12:35:47+00:00 April 18th, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on CALL FOR e-MERLIN PROPOSALS – Cycle-7

VLBI: EAVN and KaVA call for proposals 2018B

Find here information for the call for proposals of two VLBI arrays, the KVN and VERA Array (KaVA) and the East-Asian VLBI Network (EAVN), for 2018B semester. Submission deadline for both, the KaVA and the EAVN Call for Proposal:  1st June, 2018, 08:00 UT

By | 2018-04-17T07:02:24+00:00 April 17th, 2018|announcement, press release|Comments Off on VLBI: EAVN and KaVA call for proposals 2018B

Revisiting narrow-line Syfert 1 galaxies and their place in the universe

The aim of this workshop, held in Padova 10-13 April 2018,  is to present and to discuss developments in the field of Narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s) over the seven years since the most recent NLS1 conference (Milano 2011). The main topics of the workshop will include the multiwavelength properties of these objects from radio wavelengths [...]

By | 2018-04-10T11:55:47+00:00 April 10th, 2018|announcement, press release|Comments Off on Revisiting narrow-line Syfert 1 galaxies and their place in the universe

EWASS 2018

EWASS, the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (annual meeting of the European Astronomical Society/EAS), is taking place this week in Liverpool/UK, 3 - 6 April 2018. It has a tradition of 25 years and has imposed itself as the largest conference for European astronomy. In addition to plenary sessions and the award of prestigious prizes, [...]

By | 2018-04-04T09:11:33+00:00 April 4th, 2018|announcement, press release|Comments Off on EWASS 2018