Monthly Archives: June 2019


Astronomers observe the ‘smoking gun’ of an orphan gamma-ray burst afterglow

A team of astronomers led by Benito Marcote (JIV-ERIC)  have found the ‘smoking gun’ of an ‘orphan’ gamma-ray burst afterglow. Gamma-ray bursts are brief, intense flashes of gamma-rays that are difficult to detect. They are believed to be linked to cataclysmic events such as the collapse of a massive star, or the collision and merger of [...]

By | 2019-06-24T12:12:30+00:00 June 24th, 2019|press release|Comments Off on Astronomers observe the ‘smoking gun’ of an orphan gamma-ray burst afterglow

Call for e-MERLIN proposals cycle-9 open

Call for e-MERLIN proposals cycle-9 is open. e-MERLIN requests proposals from the international astronomical community for observations to be made during Cycle-9. Proposals are competitively peer-reviewed under standard STFC rules by the PATT e-MERLIN Time Allocation Committee. Allocation will be made on the basis of scientific merit and technical feasibility alone. The full call for proposals, including [...]

By | 2019-06-17T13:36:12+00:00 June 17th, 2019|announcement|Comments Off on Call for e-MERLIN proposals cycle-9 open


 –  open until July 1, 2019 – RadioNet is a consortium of 27 institutions in Europe, the Republic of Korea and South Africa, integrating at European level world-class infrastructures for research in radio astronomy. RadioNet has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730562, in order [...]

By | 2019-06-01T18:15:51+00:00 June 1st, 2019|announcement, financial support|Comments Off on CALLS FOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT