Monthly Archives: April 2021


CTAO & CTAC: Webinar series “Synergies in the Exploration of the Extreme Universe”

Beginning in April 2021, the CTAO and the CTAC will launch the monthly webinar series Synergies in the Exploration of the Extreme Universe, focused on the various MWL and MM synergies of CTA science with other instruments, and aimed at researchers in astrophysics and astronomy. Each webinar will take place on the fourth Thursday of [...]

By | 2021-04-29T06:19:03+00:00 April 29th, 2021|announcement|Comments Off on CTAO & CTAC: Webinar series “Synergies in the Exploration of the Extreme Universe”

ERC ceremony: Celebrating 10 000 grantees

This year the ERC will reach an important milestone: soon 10 000 scientists and scholars from Europe and beyond will have received ERC funding to pursue their best ideas at the frontiers of knowledge. During an online ceremony on May 6, 2021, the ERC will welcome the 10 000th grantee and will highlight a few other ERC [...]

By | 2021-04-22T11:18:44+00:00 April 22nd, 2021|announcement|Comments Off on ERC ceremony: Celebrating 10 000 grantees

Black holes as magnetic jet engines: ERC supports Bonn astrophysicists to explain the phenomenon

Super-massive black holes are found at the centers of many galaxies. But all efforts to detect these mysterious objects directly suffer from the fact that no information from their interior can reach us directly. Now, astrophysicist Professor Anton Zensus, director at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn and founding chairman of the Event [...]

By | 2021-04-22T10:10:45+00:00 April 22nd, 2021|announcement, press release|Comments Off on Black holes as magnetic jet engines: ERC supports Bonn astrophysicists to explain the phenomenon

Ultra-sensitive radio images reveal thousands of star-forming galaxies in early Universe

An international team of astronomers has published the most sensitive images of the Universe ever taken at low radio frequencies, using the International Low Frequency Array (LOFAR). By observing the same regions of sky over and over again and combining the data to make a single very-long exposure image, the team has detected the faint [...]

By | 2021-04-21T09:02:59+00:00 April 21st, 2021|announcement|Comments Off on Ultra-sensitive radio images reveal thousands of star-forming galaxies in early Universe

EC CORDIS Article: New images of magnetic fields surrounding a black hole

Read here the article New images of magnetic fields surrounding a black hole from the EC´s CORDIS EU Research Results on the revealed new image of a black hole: the supermassive black hole viewed in polarised light, at the centre of the Messier 87 galaxy. Find here here also the two papers with the results of the research [...]

By | 2021-04-20T16:18:55+00:00 April 20th, 2021|announcement|Comments Off on EC CORDIS Article: New images of magnetic fields surrounding a black hole

EC online event: “A successful proposal for Horizon Europe: Scientific-technical excellence is key, but don’t forget the other aspects”.

On April 21, 2021, the European Commission will continue its information series on preparing a successful proposal in Horizon Europe. On the agenda are important cross-cutting topics that all successful proposals must bring, for example Open Science, gender dimension, dissemination and communication. Find here the agenda and the registration form.  

By | 2021-04-15T11:37:46+00:00 April 15th, 2021|announcement|Comments Off on EC online event: “A successful proposal for Horizon Europe: Scientific-technical excellence is key, but don’t forget the other aspects”.

IAU Global Outreach Events 2021 – Event Calendar

The IAU Global Outreach Events are international outreach activities supported by the IAU outreach office, with the intent of promoting and disseminating best practices internationally. Outreach professionals, educators, amateur and professional astronomers are encouraged to share their stories and join the inspiring outreach community. Events related to astronomy that align with the IAU Global Outreach [...]

By | 2021-04-08T11:43:08+00:00 April 8th, 2021|announcement|Comments Off on IAU Global Outreach Events 2021 – Event Calendar