RadioNet Newsletter issue 10/2021
RadioNet newsletter issue 10/2021 available here.
RadioNet newsletter issue 10/2021 available here.
The UK’s National Radio Astronomy Facility, e-MERLIN/VLBI, operated from Jodrell Bank Observatory on behalf of STFC, is a unique and world-leading radio astronomy facility for high resolution (0.01-0.1arcsec) imaging at centimetre wavelengths, and is a designated SKA pathfinder instrument. The e-MERLIN/VLBI also provides the UK’s contributions to the European VLBI Network (EVN). Now fully integrated [...]
The call for expressions of interest (EoIs) leading eventually to LOFAR2.0 Large Programme proposals is now open. EoIs are not observing proposals. Rather, these are intended to inform how to best organise community workshops in 2022, in which LOFAR will invite all EoI submitters to together take stock of the ideas and consider how a [...]
The second edition of the IAU WiA newsletter gives a brief update on the activities carried out last month and the encouraging feedback from the participants. Special attention is drawn to the following 7 points / call for participation: 1 - First virtual Training Program series on Essential Skills for Astronomy Research, Nov 8-12th, 2021. [...]
Encouraged by the positive response of the community to its first edition in 2021, the Office for Science in the Directorate of Science is glad to organise the "Hypatia Colloquium" series 2022. PhD students and early postdocs (max 3 years from the PhD) working in any field of theoretical and observational astronomy and astrophysics are [...]
The Korean VLBI Network (KVN) invites scientific proposals for VLBI observations during the 2022A season from astronomers around the world. Observations of successful proposals will be scheduled between January 16 and June 15, 2022. Full details here. Proposals should be submitted via the KVN website. Submission deadline: 1.11.2021, UT 08:00 (KST 17:00)
The University of Manchester is looking for an OPTICON-RadioNet PILOT project (ORP) Software Engineer for its Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics. Application forms and further particulars are available from the website. Find the full job advertisement here. Submission deadline: 28.10.2021
The Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy (MPIfR) is recruiting up to two postdoctoral researchers in Radio Astronomy to join the project M2FINDERS (Mapping Magnetic Fields with INterferometry Down to Event hoRizon Scales). M2FINDERS is led by Prof. Zensus as the principal investigator, with funding from the European Research Council (grant agreement No 101018682). The [...]
The Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy (MPIfR) is recruiting up to two postdoctoral researchers in Radio Astronomy to join the project M2FINDERS (Mapping Magnetic Fields with INterferometry Down to Event hoRizon Scales). M2FINDERS is led by Prof. Zensus as the principal investigator, with funding from the European Research Council (grant agreement No 101018682). The [...]
SKA Observatory has signed agreements with the governments of Australia and South Africa to host its telescopes and associated infrastructures. These documents formalize arrangements for the construction and operation of the SKA telescopes in the two host countries. The Host Country Agreements (HCAs) were signed by SKAO Director-General Prof. Philip Diamond, Australia’s David Fredericks, Secretary [...]