Monthly Archives: July 2017


Speech of Jo Johnson, UK Minister for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation, at the Instruct ERIC inauguration event in London

The UK Research Office in Brüssel informed that Minister Johnson highlighted the importance of collaboration with European and international partners on major science, research and technology initiatives and that modern scientific research nearly always involves the sharing of expertise to tackle the hardest questions, making a link between big science and big opportunities for collaboration. He [...]

By | 2017-07-24T08:43:24+00:00 July 24th, 2017|announcement, press release|Comments Off on Speech of Jo Johnson, UK Minister for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation, at the Instruct ERIC inauguration event in London

The Early stages of Galaxy Cluster Formation

In a few days, ESO will host the RadioNet-supported workshop The Early stages of Galaxy Cluster Formation: Mergers, Protoclusters, and Star Formation in Overdense Environments.  This week-long workshop (17-21 July 2017) will bring together over 100 scientists from all over the world, working at all wavelengths — especially radio through submm — or with simulations [...]

By | 2017-07-14T09:23:00+00:00 July 14th, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Early stages of Galaxy Cluster Formation

Huib van Langevelde steps down as JIVE director

After serving as the director of JIVE for a decade , the long-standing RadioNet Board member Prof Huib van Langevelde steps down as JIVE director. He will take over a different role at JIVE and spend more time on science and development. Read more here. JIVE is beginning the process of selecting a new director. [...]

By | 2017-07-11T12:59:20+00:00 July 11th, 2017|announcement, press release|Comments Off on Huib van Langevelde steps down as JIVE director

Independent top advisors call for increased EU investment in research and innovation for the sake of Europe’s future

Shaping the future of Europe's research and innovation - You will find the EC news alert and all the material from the 3 July conference, including the report of the High Level Group.

By | 2017-07-06T07:15:23+00:00 July 5th, 2017|press release, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Independent top advisors call for increased EU investment in research and innovation for the sake of Europe’s future


VLBI proposals for observing at 3mm wavelength (86 GHz) using the VLBA, GBT*, EFFELSBERG, PICO VELETA, ONSALA, METSAEHOVI, YEBES and KVN telescopes should be submitted by 1 AUGUST 2017 (UT 21:00). Successful proposals will be considered for scheduling in GMVA Session I 2018 (12-17 April 2018) or in a later session. Proposals for GMVA+ALMA observations [...]

By | 2017-07-05T08:30:20+00:00 July 5th, 2017|press release|Comments Off on CALL FOR PROPOSALS – GLOBAL 3mm VLBI ARRAY

Ghana and South Africa celebrate first success of African network of telescopes

News from JIV-ERIC: Ghana and South Africa have announced the first successful detection of fringes during a VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) test experiment with the European VLBI Network (EVN). A 32 metre converted telecommunications antenna at Kutunse, Ghana, was used in the ‘first fringe' detection. The experiment is one of three positive detections, with [...]

By | 2017-07-04T14:00:12+00:00 July 4th, 2017|press release|Comments Off on Ghana and South Africa celebrate first success of African network of telescopes

IPTA 2017 Science Week

The International Pulsar Timing Array (IPTA) is a world wide collaboration, made of the contributions of three continental consortia: EPTA in Europe, PPTA in Australia and NanoGRAV in the US. Its primary goal is to detect gravitational waves in the Nanohertz regime using radio pulsar timing observations. The European part of the collaboration is supported [...]

By | 2017-07-03T11:54:55+00:00 July 3rd, 2017|meetings, press release|Comments Off on IPTA 2017 Science Week

RadioNet Coordinator at the conference „Research & Innovation – Shaping our Future“ in Brussels

The RadioNet coordinator Prof. J. Anton Zensus participates today in the conference "Research & Innovation – shaping our future", hosted by Research, Science and Innovation Commissioner Carlos Moedas. Policymakers from EU institutions, nearly 700 stakeholders and interested actors meet there to discuss the role of research and innovation for Europe's future. Follow live stream here: [...]

By | 2017-07-03T10:35:16+00:00 July 3rd, 2017|meetings, press release|Comments Off on RadioNet Coordinator at the conference „Research & Innovation – Shaping our Future“ in Brussels