Newsletter 09/2017 Issued
In the September issue of the RadioNet newsletter, one can find the latest information about the project including access opportunities, as well as policy news and job opportunities. Link to the newsletter.
In the September issue of the RadioNet newsletter, one can find the latest information about the project including access opportunities, as well as policy news and job opportunities. Link to the newsletter.
In its last meeting, the Board of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) elected Prof. Anton Zensus its Chairman. The EHT is an international collaboration aiming at creating a virtual Earth-sized telescope with unprecedented angular resolution. “Our goal is to test some of the key predictions of Einstein’s General Relativity by imaging the immediate vicinity of [...]
50 years ago Émile-Jacques Blum, Peter Mezger and Harry van der Laan had a vision of a meeting where young Europeans in radio astronomy could meet each other and exchange their experiences. The first Young European Radio Astronomers Conference (YERAC) was held in Paris in 1968, during the height of student and workers protests. Since [...]
The RadioNet Joint Research Activity RINGS (Radio Interferometry Next Generation Software) meets in Dwingeloo on 11 September 2017. RINGS partners from MPG, ASTRON, JIV-ERIC, UMAN, OSO, and DIAS start the work on the main objective for RINGS: To deliver advanced calibration algorithms for the next generation of radio astronomy facilities, characterized by a high sensitivity, a high bandwidth and [...]
Today started a second of a series of open meetings and workshops to allow the astronomical community to discuss and contribute to the future developments and operations of the UK’s National Radio Astronomy Facility, e-MERLIN and the European VLBI Network (EVN). The main purpose of the meeting is to inform the community of the existing and [...]
The September issue of the EVN Newsletter has been issued. In this release the new chairman of the EVN Consortium Board of Directors John Conway thanks the outgoing CBD Chairman Rene Vermeulen for his excellent stewardship. In this edition of the newsletter one will find the information about the observing opportunities, scientific and technical highlights [...]
The Call of the European VLBI Network is open. The deadline for proposal submission is on 1 October 2017. More information here.
The Call for Proposals for the Effelsberg 100-m radio telescope of the Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie is open until October 4, 2017 (15:oo UT). More information here.
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the first pulsar by Anthony Hewish and then-Phd student Jocelyn Bell Burnell. The Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics at the University of Manchester is hosting a major conference to celebrate this landmark discovery - the IAU Symposium 337: Pulsar Astrophysics: The Next Fifty Years More [...]
The Effelsberg Radio Observatory, home of the giant 100 m Radio Telescope of the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy (MPIfR), celebrates its next Open Day on Saturday, Sep. 09, 2017, from 10 am to 5 pm. Everyone is welcome to visit the observatory, see the control room where the observations are supervised and also [...]