Monthly Archives: June 2018


Submission deadline for RadioNet Calls for support on next Sunday (July 1, 2018 at 5pm, CEST)

RadioNet has defined wide-ranging networking measures for the dissemination of scientific and technical results, as well as for training, scientific exchange and cooperation with industry. We are issuing 4 calls addressing different communities and offering the possibility of financial support for 1) Scientific events (addressing event organisers and individual TA users) 2) Technical events 3) [...]

By | 2018-06-28T11:58:53+00:00 June 25th, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Submission deadline for RadioNet Calls for support on next Sunday (July 1, 2018 at 5pm, CEST)

RadioNet funded staff exchange between Observatory of Yebes/UAH and the MPIfR

This week, Javier Gonzalez Garcia from the Observatory of Yebes is on his short-term mission at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy (MPIfR). He uses this visit for acquiring experience in correlation techniques using DifX and transferring it later on to his colleagues currently working at the Yebes Observatory and to young colleagues and [...]

By | 2018-06-22T11:49:52+00:00 June 20th, 2018|press release|Comments Off on RadioNet funded staff exchange between Observatory of Yebes/UAH and the MPIfR

Apply for a position as Senior Staff Astronomer at the IRAM 30-meter telescope

IRAM is an international research organization for millimeter and submillimeter astronomy supported by the CNRS (France), the Max-Planck Gesellschaft (Germany), and the IGN (Spain). IRAM operates two world-class research facilities, a 30-meter single-dish telescope in the Spanish Sierra Nevada and the mm/submm interferometer NOEMA in the French Alps. The scientific capabilities of the 30-meter telescope [...]

By | 2018-06-18T13:34:45+00:00 June 18th, 2018|press release|Comments Off on Apply for a position as Senior Staff Astronomer at the IRAM 30-meter telescope

Apply for Postdoctoral Research Position in Millimeter Astronomy for NOEMA / IRAM

IRAM is an international research organization for millimeter and submillimeter astronomy supported by the CNRS (France), the Max-Planck Gesellschaft (Germany), and the IGN (Spain). The organization operates two world-class research facilities, the IRAM 30-meter telescope in Spain, and NOEMA, the largest millimeter interferometer of the northern hemisphere in the French Alps. By the end of [...]

By | 2018-06-18T13:26:22+00:00 June 18th, 2018|press release|Comments Off on Apply for Postdoctoral Research Position in Millimeter Astronomy for NOEMA / IRAM

JIVE tutorial on the new capabilities for VLBI data processing in CASA – apply before September 15, 2018

At the end of the EVN symposium in Granada, JIVE will organize on October 11, 2018, JIVE a tutorial to demonstrate the new capabilities for VLBI data processing in CASA. With the imminent release of CASA 5.3 the first experimental VLBI tools will be included in the package (see the latest CASA Newsletter for more details). With support from  IAA-CSIC, JIVE will introduce on this afternoon [...]

By | 2018-06-18T12:21:17+00:00 June 18th, 2018|announcement|Comments Off on JIVE tutorial on the new capabilities for VLBI data processing in CASA – apply before September 15, 2018

Surprise discovery provides new insights into stellar deaths

Astronomers, working on a project to detect supernovas, made a surprise discovery when they found that one supernova explosion was actually a star being pulled apart by a supermassive black hole. This rare stellar death, known as a tidal disruption event, or TDE, occurs when the powerful gravity of a supermassive black hole rips apart [...]

By | 2018-06-15T09:31:29+00:00 June 14th, 2018|press release|Comments Off on Surprise discovery provides new insights into stellar deaths

ICRI 2018

4th International Conference on Research Infrastructures - ICRI 2018 in Vienna, Austria, on 12 - 14 September 2018 will be co-organised by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and the European Commission. ICRI provides a forum for strategic discussion on international cooperation for research infrastructures at global level. Participants from more than [...]

By | 2018-06-15T09:32:41+00:00 June 13th, 2018|announcement, meetings|Comments Off on ICRI 2018