Newsletter 11/2017 issued
In the November issue of the RadioNet newsletter, one can find the latest information about the project including policy news and job opportunities. Link to the newsletter
In the November issue of the RadioNet newsletter, one can find the latest information about the project including policy news and job opportunities. Link to the newsletter
Members of the European ARC nodes network are meeting from 28-30 November 2017 in Gothenburg for a workshop to discuss the development of advanced software tools for interferometry. The ALMA observatory produces high-quality and complex observational data, giving us a view of the universe in unprecedented detail. At the same time, ALMA provides support for [...]
The members European VLBI Network (EVN) Consortium Board of Directors (CBD) and partners meet in Onsala/Gothenburg, Sweden, 14-15 November 2017. The CBD meets in the Spring and Autumn of each year discussing the overall policy of the EVN which is set by the EVN CBD. At each meeting, there are reports from the EVN Programme [...]
RadioNet is sponsor of the "IV. Workshop on millimetre and submillimetre astronomy in Italy”, organised from the Italian node of the European ALMA Regional Centre in Bologna from 7-10 November 2017. The meeting brings together nearly 120 members of the Italian astronomical community interested in the field of (sub)millimetre research. Participants of the workshop discuss [...]
The joint European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS) and National Astronomy Meeting (NAM) will take place in Liverpool, United Kingdom, on 3-6 April 2018. Within that week there will be a Special Session on: Exploring the Universe: a European vision for the future of VLBI The aim of this special session is to discuss and position the [...]