4th Workshop on (sub-) mm astronomy in Italy

/, meetings, press release/4th Workshop on (sub-) mm astronomy in Italy

4th Workshop on (sub-) mm astronomy in Italy

RadioNet is sponsor of the “IV. Workshop on millimetre and submillimetre astronomy in Italy”, organised from the Italian node of the European ALMA Regional Centre in Bologna from 7-10 November 2017.

The meeting brings together nearly 120 members of the Italian astronomical community interested in the field of (sub)millimetre research. Participants of the workshop discuss scientific projects, carried out or to be carried out with ALMA or other instruments operating in the mm-band, and interplay with instrumentation in other bands of the electro-magnetic spectrum. Technical and instrumental developments will be an integral part of the meeting. Four sessions cover the main research areas in (sub)mm astronomy. After each session there will be time for discussion and exchange of ideas between the various scientific communities.

Much time will be given to discussions on key scientific issues relevant to the astronomical community. These take place in parallel sessions, and summaries will be presented afterwards in a plenary session. More information here.



By | 2017-11-08T08:48:57+00:00 November 7th, 2017|announcement, meetings, press release|Comments Off on 4th Workshop on (sub-) mm astronomy in Italy