The members European VLBI Network (EVN) Consortium Board of Directors (CBD) and partners meet in Onsala/Gothenburg, Sweden, 14-15 November 2017. The CBD meets in the Spring and Autumn of each year discussing the overall policy of the EVN which is set by the EVN CBD. At each meeting, there are reports from the EVN Programme Committee (PC) Chair, the EVN Technical Operation Group Chair, JIVE, the stations, as well as from partner organisations. From 1 January, 2018, the EVN PC Chair will be Antonis Polatdis (ASTRON). He will take over after Michael Lindqvist (Onsala Space Observatory) who been the EVN PC Chair 2015-2017. A particular item on the agenda this time was the media capacity needed to reach 2 Gbps as the default recording rate for continuum observations. The meeting also discussed the EVN Symposium 2018 which will take place 8-11 October, 2018 in Granada, Spain. This was the last CBD meeting for Huib van Langevelde as the JIVE Director (2007-2017) and he was thanked for his service.
Image left: EVN CBD © Paula Rosell (OSO), right: Huib van langevelde and John Conway © Michael Lindqvist (OSO)