The hybrid community workshop will take place on 24-27 October 2023 at FORTH in Heralkion/Greece and it aims to to discuss the scientific potential and challenges of a future European wide-field radio interferometer:
- Recent advances and emerging themes in radio astronomy and transient astrophysics
- The science priorities for ARGOS: pulsar timing, PTAs, FRBs, cosmology, transients, techno-signatures, VLBI, high-energy astrophysics and more
- The technical requirements and design options for the instrument: (configuration, data processing, calibration etc)
- The synergies and complementarities of ARGOS with other existing and planned radio facilities such as LOFAR, SKA, DSA2000, MeerKAT, ASKAP, FAST, Chime, etc.
- The roadmap and timeline for the development and implementation of ARGOS
Registration and abstract submisison via the workshop website by September 25, 2023.