RadioNet has produced a plaque that will make visible to the general public the EC/H2020 support of the RadioNet partners´ infrastructures.
After 76m Lovell telescope (University of Manchester/UK), Torun 32m telescope (N. Copernicus University/PL), the Yebes 40m telescope (IGN/ES), and the Effelsberg 100m telescope (MPIfR/DE) – the plaques have been installed at prominent and visible places at the 32m EVN-Medicina telescope (Medicina/IT), at the 30m IRAM telescope (Pico Veleta/ES), at the 32 EVN-Irbene telescope (Ventspils/LV), at the EVN-JIVE Correlator (Dwingeloo/NL) and at the 14m Metsähovie telescope (Metsähovi/FI), from left to right. The action continues.
(C) RadioNet