The HI/Story of the Nearby Universe – Registration open

/, meetings/The HI/Story of the Nearby Universe – Registration open

The HI/Story of the Nearby Universe – Registration open

RadioNet supports a 3-day workshop ‘The HI/Story of the Nearby Universe‘ in Groningen on September 10-12, at ASTRON in Dwingeloo to celebrate the career of Thijs van der Hulst and to look forward to the scientific exploitation of forthcoming HI imaging surveys with the SKA pathfinders and precursors.  An attractive scientific program includes ten
invited speakers who play a defining role in the research field of gas flows and star formation in galaxies, as well as some thirty contributing talks.  Participants will visit the upgraded Westerbork radio telescope equipped with the new Apertif system and enjoy a festive closing dinner.

The registration period will expire on August 15, 2018.

By | 2018-08-09T20:30:52+00:00 August 9th, 2018|announcement, meetings|Comments Off on The HI/Story of the Nearby Universe – Registration open