The 5th IUCAF School on Spectrum Management co-sponsored by RADIONET, IUCAF, SARAO, CRAF, CORF, NSF and RAFCAP will take place in Stellenbosch, South Africa in the period 2-6 March 2020. The school will offer a comprehensive view of both technical and regulatory issues related to radio astronomers’ use of the spectrum. Spectrum management is a task of rapidly growing importance, for radio astronomy as well as for other radio services; however, it is not part of any academic curriculum; radio astronomers have to learn it by doing it. The IUCAF School in Spectrum Management will be an opportunity to profit from the experience of colleagues. The expected audience would be members of the radio astronomy and related radio engineering community, who are becoming active in this area at the local, national or international level, and regulators whose task is to protect passive services and science services. These skills have critical application to science, commerce and government. IUCAF spectrum management schools were previously held in 2002 (Green Bank, USA), 2005 (Castel San Pietro Terme, Italy), 2010 (Mitaka, Japan) and 2014 (Santiago, Chile) and were important milestones in radio astronomy’s efforts to preserve access to the radio spectrum.