5th LOFAR data processing school

//5th LOFAR data processing school

5th LOFAR data processing school

Dwingeloo 17-21 September 2018 – The aim of this School is to introduce the LOFAR system to new members of the community who will analyze both interferometric and high time resolution beam formed LOFAR data. The School will cover the many aspects of the LOFAR system from the capabilities of the basic station hardware to the software pipelines and science products they produce. Lectures and tutorials will be presented by members of the LOFAR project team as well as staff from the many institutions involved in the collaboration. Hands-on sessions will play a crucial role during the School giving attendees an opportunity to gain experience with real LOFAR data. More information here.


By | 2018-09-18T09:18:20+00:00 September 18th, 2018|press release|Comments Off on 5th LOFAR data processing school