ASTRONET´s Science Vision and Infrastructure Roadmap: Input welcome

//ASTRONET´s Science Vision and Infrastructure Roadmap: Input welcome

ASTRONET´s Science Vision and Infrastructure Roadmap: Input welcome

ASTRONET first started in 2005 as a consortium of European funding agencies and research organisations and is now a self-sustained group of funding agencies and associated bodies. The network aims at encouraging a common science vision for all of European astronomy.

Astronet is working on the next Science Vision and Infrastructure Roadmap to include all aspects of European astronomy and over the last few months has aimed to improve the drafts and to take account of comments from the community and other international strategic reports.

ASTRONET is now seeking further community input. Find the  latest drafts of the science and cross-cutting chapters here, along with the draft summary and recommendations.

Comments and suggestions are welcome and should be provided to Malcolm Booy.

Deadline: August 30, 2022.

By | 2022-07-15T08:22:45+00:00 July 15th, 2022|announcement|Comments Off on ASTRONET´s Science Vision and Infrastructure Roadmap: Input welcome