CALL FOR e-MERLIN PROPOSALS – Cycle-10 & EVN+e-MERLIN Observations

//CALL FOR e-MERLIN PROPOSALS – Cycle-10 & EVN+e-MERLIN Observations

CALL FOR e-MERLIN PROPOSALS – Cycle-10 & EVN+e-MERLIN Observations


e-MERLIN requests proposals from the international astronomical
community for observations to be made during Cycle-10. Proposals are
competitively peer-reviewed under standard STFC rules by the PATT
e-MERLIN Time Allocation Committee. Allocation will be made on the
basis of scientific merit and technical feasibility alone.

Research areas here.

Full call for proposal here.

Deadline for proposal submission: January 15, 2020

EVN+e-MERLIN Observations

The full integration of e-MERLIN telescopes within the EVN is also available for proposals.

The current Call for EVN Proposals, including combined e-MERLIN+EVN observations, is here.

The next deadline for EVN proposals is February 1, 2020


By | 2020-01-13T15:46:19+00:00 January 9th, 2020|announcement|Comments Off on CALL FOR e-MERLIN PROPOSALS – Cycle-10 & EVN+e-MERLIN Observations