ESO Announcement –  Let the show begin: APEX’s CONCERTO instrument sees first light

//ESO Announcement –  Let the show begin: APEX’s CONCERTO instrument sees first light

ESO Announcement –  Let the show begin: APEX’s CONCERTO instrument sees first light

An exciting new instrument, a spectrometer called CONCERTO, has successfully produced its first observations: test images of the Cat’s Paw Nebula and the Crab Nebula. The instrument, installed on the ESO-operated Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX), will help astronomers probe the mysterious, ancient cosmic epoch during which the first stars lit up.

Read here the full announcement.


Image: © ESO/J. Emerson/VISTA Acknowledgment: Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit

By | 2021-07-06T12:46:07+00:00 July 6th, 2021|announcement|Comments Off on ESO Announcement –  Let the show begin: APEX’s CONCERTO instrument sees first light