European Research Council awards €636m in grants to emerging science talent across Europe

//European Research Council awards €636m in grants to emerging science talent across Europe

European Research Council awards €636m in grants to emerging science talent across Europe

Four hundred eight researchers have won this year’s European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grants. The funding is worth in total €636 million and is part of the Horizon Europe programme. The grants will be invested in scientific projects spanning all disciplines of research from engineering to life sciences to humanities.

The laureates of this grant competition proposed to carry out their projects at universities and research centres in 26 countries across Europe. The call attracted nearly 3,000 proposals, which were reviewed by panels of renowned researchers from around the world. The grants will create more than 2,000 jobs for postdoctoral fellows, PhD students, and other staff at the host institutions. See more statistics here.

Read here the ERC press release from November 22, 2022.

By | 2022-11-22T14:00:48+00:00 November 22nd, 2022|press release|Comments Off on European Research Council awards €636m in grants to emerging science talent across Europe