First Announcement: Space VLBI 2020 & registration open

//First Announcement: Space VLBI 2020 & registration open

First Announcement: Space VLBI 2020 & registration open

The NRAO will host the  Space VLBI 2020: Science and Technology Futures in Charlottesville, VA, January 28-30, 2020.

This meeting will focus on mission concepts and supporting technology developments to enable the highest angular resolution observations at centimeter and shorter wavelengths (30+ GHz observing frequencies).  The meeting will highlight recent scientific advances and developments in the motivations for future space-based very long baseline interferometry and the resulting technical requirements and challenges. Registration, abstract submission, and additional details can be found here.

By | 2019-10-25T08:56:15+00:00 October 25th, 2019|announcement|Comments Off on First Announcement: Space VLBI 2020 & registration open