IRAM antennas stopped due to COVID-19

/, transnational access/IRAM antennas stopped due to COVID-19

IRAM antennas stopped due to COVID-19

UPDATE from March 18, 2020:

Following the development of the COVID19 epidemic and the measures recently enforced by the French and Spanish authorities, the activities at the institute headquarters in Grenoble as well as at the Granada office have been reduced to a strict minimum. No visitors at any site, including the observatories, are allowed. Support for data reduction is not possible. Assembling  of the 11th and 12th NOEMA antennas has been stopped. More here.


By | 2020-03-24T07:45:14+00:00 March 24th, 2020|announcement, transnational access|Comments Off on IRAM antennas stopped due to COVID-19