Poland and the SKAO

//Poland and the SKAO

Poland and the SKAO

JIVE Director Agnieszka Słowikowska at the XLI Meeting of the Polish Astronomical Society in Toruń organised and moderated a session over the prospect of Poland developing closer links with the SKA Observatory. The SKAO sees in Poland a potential partner in Central Europe, building on the Observatory’s existing European membership. With VLBI one of the planned observing modes of the SKA telescopes, this partnership could also mark the beginning of a closer collaboration between SKAO and EVN – but also with JIVE, as an appropriate place to correlate the data.
Image: © Patryk Zgubiński;  Agnieszka Słowikowska/JIVE Director giving a talk on the links between Poland and the SKAO.
By | 2023-09-22T13:57:43+00:00 September 22nd, 2023|press release|Comments Off on Poland and the SKAO