Public availability of a tutorial document on geodetic and astrometric VLBI

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Public availability of a tutorial document on geodetic and astrometric VLBI

A 50+ page tutorial document on geodetic and astrometric VLBI – Elements of Geodetic and Astrometric Very Long Baseline Interferometry – is now publicly available. You will find the latest version and any future updates here.

This document is an open tutorial for educational purposes, in particular for newcomers to geodetic and astrometric VLBI but also for the specialists wanting to expand their knowledge about topics, which are not in their main focus. It is by far not complete but will be extended step by step in the future.

Everybody in the community is invited to contribute to the document either in the form of hints for corrections and clarifications or with more detailed descriptions of topics.

For this, please contact Axel Nothnagel (TU Vienna – Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation) via email.



By | 2021-03-10T08:50:22+00:00 March 10th, 2021|announcement, press release, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Public availability of a tutorial document on geodetic and astrometric VLBI