Publication of ESFRI White Paper 2020: “MAKING SCIENCE HAPPEN – A new ambition for Research Infrastructures in the European Research Area”

//Publication of ESFRI White Paper 2020: “MAKING SCIENCE HAPPEN – A new ambition for Research Infrastructures in the European Research Area”

Publication of ESFRI White Paper 2020: “MAKING SCIENCE HAPPEN – A new ambition for Research Infrastructures in the European Research Area”

The strategy paper “MAKING SCIENCE HAPPEN – A new ambition for Research Infrastructures in the European Research Area” was elaborated and adopted by the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI).

This document represents the outcomes of the reflection process over the last 15 months of ESFRI, working on its vision of an integrated ecosystem of research infrastructures, enabling the generation of scientific knowledge underpinning the capacity to respond to major societal challenges of the European Research Area (ERA).


By | 2020-04-30T14:28:35+00:00 April 30th, 2020|press release|Comments Off on Publication of ESFRI White Paper 2020: “MAKING SCIENCE HAPPEN – A new ambition for Research Infrastructures in the European Research Area”