RadioNet supports “The Power of Faraday Tomography — towards 3D mapping of cosmic magnetic fields”

/, press release/RadioNet supports “The Power of Faraday Tomography — towards 3D mapping of cosmic magnetic fields”

RadioNet supports “The Power of Faraday Tomography — towards 3D mapping of cosmic magnetic fields”

The workshop “The Power of Faraday Tomography — towards 3D mapping of cosmic magnetic fields” will take place next week in Miyazaki, Japan. It focuses on a powerful new analysis technique, Faraday Tomography, that enables disentangling overlapping Faraday rotation contributions along a line of sight. Faraday Tomography of polarized synchrotron emission will thus allow us to glean some 3D information on magnetic fields in astrophysical objects and volumes.
This workshop will review the current status and future prospects of Faraday Tomography, combining astronomical observations, numerical simulations, and astrophysical theory.The workshop will include various tutorial sessions meant to enthuse young researchers for a future in radio astronomy. It is co-organized by the Japan SKA Consortium (SKA-JP) Cosmic Magnetism Science Working Group and European radio astronomers.
More details here.
By | 2018-05-25T06:16:56+00:00 May 25th, 2018|announcement, press release|Comments Off on RadioNet supports “The Power of Faraday Tomography — towards 3D mapping of cosmic magnetic fields”