Research position in Radio Astronomy – Bielefeld University

//Research position in Radio Astronomy – Bielefeld University

Research position in Radio Astronomy – Bielefeld University

The Faculty of physics offers a full-time Research position in Radio Astronomy starting July 1, 2017

(E 14 TV-L) (non-permanent position)

Bielefeld University is looking for an experienced radio astronomer in the context of MeerKATand the SKA. Bielefeld University expects that the candidate will work in close collaboration with the partners of the German D-MeerKAT consortium that contributes to MeerKAT and SKA pathfinder science. The specific task of this position can be fund under  job_unibielefeld_17078.

By | 2017-06-23T09:23:56+00:00 June 23rd, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Research position in Radio Astronomy – Bielefeld University