Seventh European Radio Interferometry School 16 – 20 October 2017 in Dwingeloo

/, meetings/Seventh European Radio Interferometry School 16 – 20 October 2017 in Dwingeloo

Seventh European Radio Interferometry School 16 – 20 October 2017 in Dwingeloo

Seventh ERIS will provide a week of lectures and tutorials on how to achieve scientific results from radio interferometry. The topics covered by the lectures/tutorials will include:

  • Calibration and imaging of continuum, spectral line, and polarisation data;
  • Low-freq. (LOFAR domain), high-freq. (ALMA/IRAM domain), and VLBI-interferometry; • Extracting information from the data and interpreting the results;
  • Choosing the most suitable array and observing plan for your project.

Participants are expected to bring their own laptops, equipped with AIPS and CASA pre-installed. Examples will be drawn from m-, cm- and mm-wave instruments such as LOFAR, JVLA, EVN, e- MERLIN and ALMA.

The school will be hosted by ASTRON & JIVE (Dwingeloo). The participants and lecturers will be accommodated in local hotels. Participants will be sharing double rooms.

The registration fee is 165 euro (to be confirmed). It will cover the accommodation and half board for the 5 days of the school, from the arrival on Sunday 15 October 2017 to the departure on Friday 20 October 2017.

Please register via the school website,

Note that due to logistical limitations, about 80 participants´ accommodation can be organised. We encourage you to register as soon as possible.

LOC: J. McKean, H. J. van Langevelde, Z. Paragi, M. Iacobelli, L. Elpenhof, F. Möller

SOC: J. McKean (RuG/ASTRON) & H. J. van Langevelde (JIVE), A. Biggs (ESO), B. Campbell (JIVE), M. Giroletti (INAF), M. Iacobelli (ASTRON), K. Johnston (Leed U.), R. Laing (ESO), Z. Paragi (JIVE), V. Piétu (IRAM), A. Richards (Manchester U.), W. Vlemmings (Chalmers U.)


By | 2017-05-11T12:49:43+00:00 May 11th, 2017|announcement, meetings|Comments Off on Seventh European Radio Interferometry School 16 – 20 October 2017 in Dwingeloo