SKAO & NSF’s NOIRLab co-host international centre protecting astronomy from satellite interference

//SKAO & NSF’s NOIRLab co-host international centre protecting astronomy from satellite interference

SKAO & NSF’s NOIRLab co-host international centre protecting astronomy from satellite interference

The SKA Observatory (SKAO) has been selected, along with NSF’s NOIRLab, to co-host a new centre that aims to mitigate the impact of satellites on astronomical observations.

The International Astronomical Union (IAU) signed a memorandum of understanding with the two co-hosts on February 2, 2022 enacting the creation of a Centre for the Protection of the Dark and Quiet Sky from Satellite Interference. The Centre will coordinate international efforts and work across jurisdictions to help mitigate the negative impact of satellite constellations on ground-based optical and radio astronomy observations as well as humanity’s enjoyment of the night sky. The SKAO will focus on radio interference while NOIRLab will be focusing on optical and infrared interference.

Read the press releases from the SKAO here, from NSF’s NOIRLab here and from the IAU here.

Image: © M. Lewinsky/Creative Commons Attribution 2.0

By | 2022-02-04T10:37:31+00:00 February 4th, 2022|announcement|Comments Off on SKAO & NSF’s NOIRLab co-host international centre protecting astronomy from satellite interference