UPDATE: JIVE Council seeking next Director of JIVE – Application deadline extended to August 21, 2022

//UPDATE: JIVE Council seeking next Director of JIVE – Application deadline extended to August 21, 2022

UPDATE: JIVE Council seeking next Director of JIVE – Application deadline extended to August 21, 2022

The JIVE Council is seeking the next Director of JIVE. The position is initially for five years, with possible renewal. The deadline for application has been extended  to August 21, 2022, 23:59 UTC.

 JIVE is a European Research Infrastructure Consortium recently established by the EC to support the European VLBI Network (EVN). JIVE currently has seven member countries (UK, Netherlands, Sweden, France, Spain, Latvia, Italy) and bilateral arrangements with research bodies in Germany, South Africa and China.

JIVE’s core mission is to promote and implement the use of VLBI and other radio astronomy techniques, including: the correlation and archiving of EVN data; supporting EVN users at all stages of the process; developing hardware, software and algorithms for EVN in particular and radio astronomy in general; ensuring the maximum scientific output of the EVN. The EVN now incorporates more than 20 of the world’s largest radio telescopes in Europe, Russia, China, South Africa, US and S. Korea into a network which provides milliarcsecond resolution, micro- Jansky sensitivity and a broad wavelength range and makes important contributions to a wide range of astrophysical research.

Find here more information on JIVE and on the vacancy of the position of Director of JIVE.

By | 2022-07-28T08:26:16+00:00 July 28th, 2022|announcement|Comments Off on UPDATE: JIVE Council seeking next Director of JIVE – Application deadline extended to August 21, 2022