Open Call of e-MERLIN for observing in Cycle 12

//Open Call of e-MERLIN for observing in Cycle 12

Open Call of e-MERLIN for observing in Cycle 12

e-MERLIN invites the astronomical community to submit observing proposals for Cycle 12.

Proposals are competitively peer-reviewed under standard STFC rules by the Programme Allocation of Telescope Time (PATT) e-MERLIN Time Allocation Group. Allocation will be made on the basis of scientific merit and technical feasibility alone.

The call is open now and closes May 13, 2021. Find all details on the call here.





By | 2021-04-28T08:17:48+00:00 March 24th, 2021|announcement|Comments Off on Open Call of e-MERLIN for observing in Cycle 12